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Archived Plans

2019 LCAPs

SRCS conducted an in-depth, targeted and multi-layered engagement process in 2018-19. This engagement process included multiple opportunities to review the LCAP and to provide feedback on the plans to support all SRCS students to graduate college and career ready. 

A large majority of our engagement this year focused on implementation of the initiatives under our five goals. Sharing progress on the implementation of goals involved a thoughtful stakeholder engagement process which included the community, students, parents, teachers, staff, site principals and central office leadership. 

The final versions of "Year 3" of the Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) for 2017-2020 were approved by the SRCS Board of Education on June 26, 2019. 

Elementary School District High School District
2018 LCAPs

The final versions of "Year 2" of the Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) for 2017-2020 were approved by the SRCS Board of Education on June 27, 2018. 

Elementary School District -
High School District 
Distrito Escolar Primario -
Distrito Escolar Secundario -
2017 LCAPS

The final versions of the Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) for 2017-2020 were approved by the SRCS Board of Education on June 28, 2017. 

Elementary School District -
High School District -
Distrito Escolar Primario -
Distrito Escolar Secundario - Español
2016 LCAPs

The final versions of the Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) for 2016-2019 were approved by the SRCS Board of Education on June 29, 2016. 

Elementary School District -
High School District -
Distrito Escolar Primario -
Distrito Escolar Secundario - Español

Click here for an archive of materials and information from 2016 LCAPs.

2015 LCAPs

The final versions of the Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) for 2015-2018 were approved by the SRCS Board Meeting on June 24, 2015. 

Elementary School District - English High School District - English
Distrito Escolar Primario - Español Distrito Escolar Secundario - Español


Click here for an archive of materials and information from 2015 LCAPs.

LCAP Goals

Goal 1 - Student Success

San Rafael City Schools ensures that every student graduates with a profound love for learning, experiences a learning environment that is nurturing and engaging, and develops the necessary skills to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.

Goal 2 - Staff Success

San Rafael City Schools is dedicated to attracting, developing and retaining culturally responsive teachers and staff that purposefully serve every student.

Goal 3 - Community Engagement

San Rafael City Schools values every member of our community and is committed to actively engaging our parents, community organizations and the broader community to ensure the success of every student.

Goal 4 - Systems & Structures

San Rafael City Schools creates intentional and equitable systems and structures that monitor, adjust and improve outcomes for students, particularly our most vulnerable.

Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP)


In 2013 a new era of school finance in California was signed into law. The new funding model is known as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). It reshapes school funding and aims to improve achievement for all students.

LCFF and its counterpart, the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), are anchored by the notion that California must do better for its underperforming students, who make up a sizable portion of the state’s school-age population. The LCFF significantly changes the funding formula for school districts; it identifies categories of students requiring greater resources: students who qualify for free or reduced-priced meals, students who are English Learners and foster youth. 

School districts must create a three-year LCAP to describes how they intend to meet annual goals for all students, with specific activities to address state and local priorities.

2020-2024 LCAPS

Grounded in our vision for student success, SRCS undertook an extensive journey with our greater to community to develop our new three-year strategic plan - Together 2024 - which serves as an executive summary of the LCAP. 

SRCS engaged in extensive engagement with our educational partners to create and refine our LCAP. The most intensive engagement took place from 2019-2021 to create our three-year plan; the years since have focused on refining and prioritizing our plan with the support of our educational partners.

Below is a detailed summary of our engagement efforts to create and update our LCAP:

Together 2023 Engagement - 2019-20 School Year
Throughout the 2020-21 school year, SRCS undertook a strategic planning process, which we called Together 2023. The efforts were led by an Advisory Team, and extensive engagement was key to the work. We designed a process with opportunities for students, teachers, staff, partners, community members and others that were powerful, meaningful, engaging and ultimately, successful. We strived to make sure we had an inclusive and open process to engage as many stakeholder groups as possible. We heavily publicized the workshops and meetings through our many communication channels so our greater community was aware of the process and to encourage participation at events. Translation and interpretation was provided. Overall, the meetings and workshops were very well-attended with high participation and engagement. There was positive feedback about the process and the direction we were headed.  

Overall, the Together 2023 process consisted of the following:

- 4 Advisory Team Meetings
- 4 Student Voice Sessions
- 4 Community Workshops
- 22 total teacher/staff workshops (two sessions at each school)
- Monthly Leadership Team Meetings

We had nearly 80 members of our Advisory Team, who served as representatives for the following groups: students, teachers, staff, parents, partners, administrators, Board members and community members. The Advisory Team was extremely engaged and crucial to the work; meetings were designed to be informative to ensure members had the knowledge necessary to make decisions, and also action-oriented to achieve results. District Office leadership visited every school twice to meet with teachers and staff to capture their input, using individual and group activities to allow for authentic engagement. We held two different versions of community workshops at four different schools that were open to the entire SRCS community, and they were very well attended. In total, an estimated 300 people were involved in our Together 2023 process. 

The essence of the Together 2023 process was to create our three-year strategic plan, which would become our LCAP. We capitalized on the LCAP-development process and also used our engagement efforts to brainstorm and develop our District Values, Core Skills; Three-Year Goals and Strategic Actions.

We used a series of activities to identify our Core Values; we used the following considerations to guide the conversation: 

  • Does the value inspire you to be your best self and be your best person?
  • Does the value make you feel excited and motivated to work in / attend / be connected to SRCS?
  • Does the value help guide decisions in the classroom, school and district?  

In the end, we landed on the following District values:

  • Equity: We honor and empower individual identity and experience
  • Community: We welcome, value and support every member of our District
  • Joy: We engage in meaningful learning through energy, enthusiasm and humor

The next task was to establish Core Skills. Originally the Together 2023 Advisory Team received much input from the community and narrowed these down to five key skills our students needed to learn to be successful in today’s world. Building on the initial work done by the San Rafael High School staff, the committee chose the skills of Effective Communicator, Critical Thinker, Productive Collaborator, Courageous Advocator and Reflective Learner. Subsequently we formed a Graduate Profile Steering Committee this year that revised these skills slightly, added problem solving and also reworded/simplified some of the other skills. We also began to more specifically identify what these skills look like in practice. Our next step is to work with our high school teachers to help them teach and build experiences into the curriculum that allow students to practice these skills, including the use of Project-based Learning.

Communicator: I share my point of view, my work, my art in ways that are clear and engaging. I listen to understand. I consider the needs, expectations, and culture of my audience. I can communicate through a variety of media, including digital, and choose the right medium for the message. My writing is well-crafted and persuasive. I speak with skill and confidence. I can present myself professionally.

Critical Thinker: I reason. I break problems into parts that can be named, studied, and understood. I take time to consider an idea before accepting or rejecting it. I consider multiple perspectives. I subject sources to careful scrutiny. I make judgments based on the analysis of data and the weighing of evidence. 

Collaborator: I can work with others toward a common goal. I know how and when to step up or step back. I apply my strengths toward team success, and teammates can depend on me. I can give and receive feedback constructively. I seek a diversity of perspectives. Through respect and trust-building, I can work across lines of difference and toward consensus. 

Problem Solver: I ask questions. I seek solutions to problems by considering various approaches, drawing on available resources, and thinking creatively. I apply known problem-solving techniques to new and unfamiliar contexts. Anticipating obstacles, I persist and adapt my approach as needed. 

Reflective Learner: I have a vision for my future and a plan to get there, which includes attending to my mental and physical health. I nurture my passions and creative talents. Through effort, practice, and regular reflection, I improve. I learn from success, failure, and feedback. I organize my time, tap resources, and sustain the focus I need to reach the goals that I set for myself. 

Community Advocate: I am a valuable member of many communities—local and global—and I work to make those communities stronger and healthier (including the beautifully diverse city of San Rafael). I develop knowledge of and take pride in my various social and cultural identities. I understand, respect, and celebrate the identities of others. I stand up for inclusion and against prejudice. I develop the skills to advance justice.

Thirdly, through the Together 2023 process we collaboratively crafted four three-year goals, which are articulated in this LCAP. 

Lastly, we were in the midst of finalizing our strategic actions when the COVID pandemic hit and halted our work. Nevertheless, there was significant engagement around determining our strategic actions, which are reflected in this LCAP. To identify and prioritize actions, our Advisory Team worked through established criteria centered around data, research and alignment. 

Equity Blueprint Plan
In partnership with Education Trust-West and Marin Promise Partnership, SRCS conducted an Educational Equity Audit (EEA) at San Rafael, Terra Linda and Madrone high schools in the Spring of 2019. The EEA served as a catalyst for advancing SRCS’ efforts and initiatives to understand and address opportunity and achievement gaps among District students. Through interviews, focus groups, master schedule analysis and more, the team at Ed Trust-West was able to identify key findings and recommendations in 10 categories: 

  1. Course Access and Success 
  2. Curriculum and Instruction 
  3. Student Supports and Interventions 
  4. School Culture and Climate 
  5. College and Career Readiness Supports 
  6. Certificated Staff Diversity and Professional Learning 
  7. Community and Family Engagement 
  8. English Learners and Students with Disabilities 
  9. Alternative Schools 
  10. Allocation of Resources 

The EEA findings and recommendations were presented to the Board of Education in August of 2019 and then taken to our Equity Blueprint Planning team during the 2019-2020 school year to be vetted and prioritized. A diverse team of approximately 30 TK-12 teachers, students, administrators and parents met seven times during the course of the year, taking a pause once COVID-19 hit in March and reconvening in September of 2020. These final discussions on key priorities took place in the Fall of 2020 where students, parents, and other stakeholders helped the District create the three-year plan. While the EEA focused on our high schools, the recommendations in the Equity Blueprint Plan are TK-12 recommendations.

On November 16, 2020, the SRCS Board of Education voted to approve our Equity Blueprint Plan, which defined strategies in four areas of focus: English Learners, Equitable Access, Academic Support, and Anti-racist Curriculum and Practices. In total, 14 sessions were held for input as the Equity Blueprint was developed. The Equity Blueprint Plan significantly shaped this LCAP.

Engagement Throughout the COVID Pandemic
As we navigated the COVID crisis and our journey to return to in-person learning at our various grade spans, we conducted District-wide and targeted communications and outreach strategies to keep all our stakeholders informed, and importantly, to seek their feedback and input. The learnings from this outreach also directly influenced our LCAP. 

Below is a summary of these efforts for the 2020-21 school year. Staff communications were sent via email; family communications were sent in English and Spanish via email, text message, social media and the website. We also kept principals, Cabinet members and other District leaders updated and engaged in the District’s communication efforts on reentry.

Together 2024 Engagement - 2020-21 School Year
While the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted our Together 2023 process, it didn't end our District's strategic planning efforts. We were so close to wrapping up our plan together - we were at the tail end of refining our strategic actions. At the same time, our SRCS Equity Blueprint Plan was being developed in the 2019-20 school year. We were proud that we were able to finalize it and the SRCS Board approved the plan in November 2020.

While much of this school year was focused on managing the COVID crisis and bringing our students back for in-person learning, it was important for us to shift back to thoughtful, strategic planning this spring. Our District team worked with school principals, student leaders, DELAC members, our Board and key parents, teachers and staff to continue to develop our three-year plan, with the Equity Blueprint and our Together 2023 serving as very strong foundations. And, we definitely cannot discount the learnings from the pandemic, and the fact that what we need to do differently to better serve our students must be part of our plan. 

All this led to what we're now calling our Together 2024 Blueprint - our three-year plan that combines all the work and learnings from the past two years. You can view the Together 2024 Blueprint Executive Summary here: The information in the executive summary is also become the key content for this LCAP.

Together 2024 Engagement - 2021-22 School Year
The focus of our engagement work this year was to prioritize our plan, knowing that we had two years remaining of the plan and we wanted to make a significant impact on student success and achievement. To that end, we partnered with our educational stakeholders including the following to get their feedback on how successful we've been on the various initiatives and what we needed to reprioritize:

- Board of Education
- Labor partners
- Student Voice and Superintendent's Student Council
- Superintendent's Parent Council
- Principals and administrators 
- Community partners
- Together 2024 Community Event
- Voces de Canal Community Event
- SELPA: SRCS Student Services and the Marin SELPA have engaged in communication and consultation regarding special education compliance. On May 25, 2022, SRCS attended LCAP consultation sessions with the SELPA. 
- and more!

In addition to the refinements articulated in the 2022 version, we also articulated our "SRCS Culture":

SRCS will ensure that a safe, supportive and collaborative learning environment is in place at each school and throughout the district that aligns with our key values of equity, community and joy. The key actions we will take to ensure a positive culture include the following:

  • Affirm: we will encourage and uplift our students and provide positive feedback and celebrate their success with joy
  • Connect: we will discover our student’s needs and interests to ensure they feel valued, known and supported as we meet their needs and ensure equity
  • Engage: we will meet and greet and get to know each and every student in our schools to ensure they feel welcome, included and part of our school community

Together 2024 Engagement - 2022-23 School Year
The focus of our engagement work this year was to refine and prioritize our plan, knowing that we only had one year remaining of the plan and we wanted to make a significant impact on student success and achievement. To that end, we partnered with our educational stakeholders including the following to get their feedback on how successful we've been on the various initiatives and what we needed to reprioritize:

- Board of Education
- Labor partners
- Student Voice and Superintendent's Student Council
- Superintendent's Parent Council
- Principals and administrators 
- Community Schools Advisory 
- SELPA: SRCS met with SELPA and CDE representatives on April 26, 2023 to review district data, compliance measures, and to discuss continued CCEIS and CIM for CCEIS plan monitoring. On May 23, 2023, SRCS met with SELPA to review data compliance and to discuss CIM for CCEIS monitoring and plan development. 
- CCEIS Stakeholder Sessions:
Leadership Team meeting--9/15/22
Leadership Team meeting--10/17/22
Educational Partners meeting--10/25/22 
CIM for CCEIS meeting-- be held 6/20/23
School Board presentation--8/22/22
School Board presentation--10/24/22

Throughout the school year, members of the leadership team presented deep dives of the leading initiatives during Board of Education meetings. The presentations described opportunities, challenges and successes of the initiatives and related action items, data, performance and impact, and allowed for public comment, Board questions. These presentations covered every meeting in the fall and winter, and then in the spring, a Together 2024 Review document was presented over the course of several meetings to again review the District's progress. 

Lastly, a Together 2024 3.0 Executive Summary was updated and is available here: The information in the executive summary is also the key content for this LCAP.

Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

SRCS has a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) to consult, review and comment on the District’s Local Control Accountability Plan. The PAC meetings are designed specifically for SRCS parents to give input on on the goals, actions and services in SRCS’ LCAP, as well as feedback on our overall engagement process. 

All PAC meetings are open to the public. Meeting agendas and minutes will be posted on this webpage as they become available.

2018-2019 LCAP PAC Meeting Agendas and Minutes
(to be held in the Central Services Boardroom, 310 Nova Albion Way, SR)

Meeting Date Agenda Summary Notes
February 27, 2019 AGENDA English     Spanish
May 29, 2019 AGENDA  


Meeting Date Agenda Summary Notes
January 25, 2018 AGENDA English          Spanish
May 31, 2018 AGENDA

English           Spanish

Glossary of Terms
Defining Terms / Definiciones de términos

The acronyms "LCFF" and "LCAP" are tossed around frequently, but what do they mean and where do they come from? Read on to learn more! 

What is the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)?
California's 2013-14 Budget Act included landmark legislation that greatly simplifies the state's school finance system. The changes introduced by the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) represent a major shift in how California funds Local Educational Agencies (LEAs). For nearly 40 years, California has relied on a system that included general purpose funding (known as revenue limits) and more than 50 tightly defined categorical programs to provide state funding to LEAs. Under LCFF, California funds school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education equally per student with adjustments based on grade levels and demographic characteristics. LCFF replaces complexity in favor of equity, transparency, and performance.

What is the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)?
Complementing the changes to state funding made by the Local Control Funding Formula is a newly required Local Control and Accountability Plan. The LCAP is LCFF's vehicle for transparency and engagement. It is the way that LEAs are expected to share performance data, needs, actions, and anticipated outcomes that guide the use of available LCFF funding. LCAPs are three-year plans, updated annually.

Las siglas "LCFF" y "LCAP" se escuchan con frecuencia, pero ¿qué significan y de dónde vienen? ¡Siga leyendo para saber más!

¿Qué es la Fórmula de Financiación de Control Local (LCFF)?
La Ley de Presupuesto 2013-14 de California incluye legislación histórica que simplifica enormemente el sistema financiero escolar del estado. Los cambios introducidos por la Fórmula de Financiación de Control Local (LCFF) representan un movimiento importante en la forma en que California financia a las Agencias Locales de Educación de California (LEA). Durante casi 40 años, California se ha basado en un sistema que incluía una financiación de propósito general (conocido como ingresos límites) y más de 50 programas categóricos bien definidos para proporcionar los fondos estatales a las LEA. Bajo LCFF, California financia los distritos escolares, escuelas y oficinas de educación del condado igualmente por estudiante con ajustes basados en los niveles de grado y características demográficas. LCFF reemplaza complejidad a favor de la equidad, la transparencia y el rendimiento.

¿Qué es el Plan de Responsabilidad y Control Local (LCAP)?
Como complemento de los cambios realizados en la financiación estatal por la Fórmula de Financiación de Control Local hay un Plan de Responsabilidad y Control Local necesario. El LCAP es el vehículo de LCFF de transparencia y compromiso. Es la forma en que se espera que las autoridades educativas locales compartan los datos de rendimiento, necesidades, acciones y resultados anticipados que guían el uso de los fondos LCFF disponible. Los LCAP’s son planes de tres años y se actualizarán anualmente.