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School Impact Fees

Please email your full set of plans to

Once I have reviewed your plans I will contact you regarding the application process. 


Level One School Impact Fees Effective December 2022


Elementary District   $3.31

High School District  $1.48

Miller Creek District $3.35

Commercial Retail 

Elementary District   $0.54

High School District  $0.24

Miller Creek District   $0.55

Commercial Self Storage*

Elementary District   $0.06

High School District  $0.02

Miller Creek District  $0.06
**If Storage Facility has living space add a Residential Fee for the square footage. 

An application must be completed with the District for all Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) attached and unattached. This includes conversions of non-livable space such as but not limited to garages and basements and may be subject to fees

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How often do mitigation amounts change and how are they calculated? The District evaluates mitigation amounts periodically (approximately every two years).  Mitigation amounts are determined based on studies that include demographic data, State Allocation Board information, and a statistical analysis of projected impacts of future development on the District.
  • How are mitigation amounts calculated? If the addition is less than 500 square feet, no mitigation amounts are owed. If the addition is 500 square feet or more, mitigation amounts are owed for the entire addition.  For example, if the addition is 750 square feet, mitigation amounts are owed on the full 750 square feet.  If the square footage is 499 or less, no mitigation amounts are owed. If you are converting "unlivable" space (such as a garage or basement) into livable space that is more than 500 square feet, this qualifies for fees.
  • You must still complete an application with the District even when the addition is less than 500 square feet so the District can issue a certificate showing the addition is exempt. This includes ADUs and conversions of non-livable space such as but not limited to garages and basements. 
  • Do I have to pay mitigation amounts if I am building a home but have no children? Yes, mitigation amounts apply even if you have no children because there will be an impact on the District if you sell to someone with children.


San Rafael City School District (“District”) understands that misinformation has recently been circulating throughout the community via social media and other means regarding a recent change in the law that concerns the construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (“ADUs”).  Government Code section 65852.2, which went into effect January 1, 2020, amends the parameters by which a local agency, special district, or water corporation may levy impact fees on ADUs under 750 square feet.  However, school districts are not impacted by this new law because the statute expressly only applies to cities, counties, water districts, and special districts.  School districts do not fall into any of these categories. 

Furthermore, school districts are independently authorized to levy developer fees per Education Code section 17620.  The ADU legislation does not modify, suspend, or mention Education Code section 17620.  Accordingly, it does not restrict a school district’s ability to levy, nor does it limit the levy of, developer fees on ADUs. 


In 1986, the California Legislature authorized school districts to levy school impact or developer fees on residential and commercial/industrial development for the purpose of funding the construction or reconstruction of school facilities.  The basis of the school facilities legislation is the relationship between new development, and the impact on school districts to provide adequate school facilities for the student population new development generates.  The authority for the District’s assessment of developer fees is set forth in Education Code Section 17620, pursuant to Government Code 65995.