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Student Showcase


Friendship friendship is… exploring different adventures. going through fun and hard times together. a popular thing most people want but…


Friendship Friendship is… something that completes life. a book of adventures just waiting to begin. Friendship is like… a flashlight…


Friendship Friendship is a fun room to entertain me. a treasure guarded by trust. Friendship is like a helper bot…

Chocolate Ice Cream

Chocolate Ice Cream I have enjoyed The chocolate ice cream That was in The refrigerator And which You were obviously…


Marshmallows Inspired by “This is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams I have savored The marshmallows That were in…

Pepsi Can

Pepsi Can (Inspired by “This is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams) I have chugged The Pepsi That was…

Hot Fries

Hot Fries Adapted  from the poem,’’This is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams I have munched The bag of…

Ice Cream

Ice Cream Inspired by the poem “This Just To Say” by William Carlos Williams I found Ice Cream Melting on…


Friendship Friendship is a box that needs memories. a pair of glasses that needs someone to look through them. Friendship…

For my People – JT

For My People by: JT Inspired from “For My People” by Margaret Walker This is for my people who are…

Sonnet 21

Sonnet 21 You are the light that makes my day so bright You always make the bad times go away.…

Sonnet #7

Sonnet #7 My favorite sport in the world is soccer It is fun to play scrimmages and games To begin…