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The Literacy Support Team is a group of part time teachers and instructional assistants who work directly with teachers, students, and families to provide support for student learning in reading, writing, and mathematics. During COVID19 times they have also supported schools in helping connect children to school services when regular efforts have not succeeded.

The Literacy Support Team accomplishes multiple tasks in a variety of modes. These currently include the following;

  • Conducting English Language Arts literacy assessments at teachers’ request.
  • Conducting Math assessments engaging teachers and students with Developing Mathematical Thinking Institute (DMTI) with math screenings and follow up learnings.
  • Supporting Reading interest, fluency, and meaning making by supporting the use of the Reading Register software tool.
  • Conducting Newcomer learning sessions in support of English learners new to the District and country.
  • Providing whole class, small group, and one on one learning activities in support of literacy development as requested by teachers and principals.
  • Providing small cohort learning support for students identified by schools as disconnected from their covid19 impacted classrooms.
  • Providing support and direct service for the 2nd year of the 5th grade targeted math learning project – focusing on fractions, decimals, and percentages interest, fluency, and meaning making.