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Putnam County R-I Schools

Middle School


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New Beginnings

Starting a new school year can bring up all kinds of different emotions.  Excitement comes to my mind first of all.  Most students and teachers are excited to be reunited with their friends and coworkers.  We are excited for the new year and what the new beginning will bring to us.   Some of us might have some reservations about having to get up early and following the school day schedule.  Before long though, following that schedule will be a habit and some of us might feel comfortable with the consistency that this schedule gives us.   I start this school year in a new teaching position.  I will be a co-teacher in Middle School English and Math.  I find that changing positions provides me with new learning experiences and in return makes me a better teacher.  I look forward to working with all three grade levels in Middle School this year!   

Contact information:  Jenna Sivetts ext. 348   jsivetts@putnamcountyr1.net


1st hour: 8th Grade Math with Ms. Mallette

2nd hour:  6th Grade Math with Mrs. Seaton

3rd hour:  7th Grade Math with Mrs. Seaton

4th hour:  7th Grade ELA with Mrs. Hydorn

5th hour: Plan

6th hour:  8th Grade ELA with Mrs. Hydorn

7th hour: 6th Grade ELA with Mrs. Hydorn

8th hour:  Strategies