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Putnam County R-I Schools

Elementary School


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2nd Grade Celebrates

Students in Mrs. Trimble's 2nd-grade class had an exciting start to Spring. We worked on Jellybean Math. We counted our jellybeans, added and subtracted with them, graphed them, and even measured with them!

Then we celebrated our growth in reading with a read-a-thon!  Everyone read books and we completed our March Madness Reading. We read 8  books over the course of the month and chose the best one each week. Today we reread the final four and finalized our decision as to the best book of 2021 (as voted on by Mrs. Trimble's 2nd Grade Class) as The Interrupting Chicken and the Elephant of Surprise by David Ezra Stein.

We also had an Easter Egg Hunt. Everyone found 3 Easter eggs with numbers on them. Each student had to write a math equation with a sum or difference of the number given on their egg.

The 2nd graders enjoyed donuts today too! We celebrated everyone knowing 100 addition math facts.

Our final fun activity was to search for the elusive bird Loof Lirpa! The students called for it and threw out crackers. Loof-Lirpa, Loof-Lirpa, Loof-Lirpa! We were unsuccessful! We drew a picture of what we imagined it would look like. Then Mrs. Trimble said if you have trouble finding the bird..............try reading its name BACKWARDS!! ;) 

It was a great day in 2nd Grade! 

Mrs. Trimble