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Putnam County R-I Schools

High School


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December Career and Technical Education Student of the Month

The second Wednesday of every month the High School hosts an Academic Awards Breakfast in the HS Commons before school starting at 7:45 am.  Students are invited to attend this monthly event by their teachers.  It is a great opportunity for the students and teachers to interact in a different setting -- and there is always delicious food that is lovingly prepared by our kitchen staff.  The monthly Career and Technical Education (CTE) Student of the Month is also announced at the breakfast.



The Putnam County R-1 School District recently recognized Mason as the Career and Technical Education Student of the Month for December 2019. The acknowledgment included the presentation of a certificate, a CTE Student of the Month shirt, and the addition of his name to the 2019-2020 CTE Student of the Month awards plaque which is displayed in the High School. Student winners are chosen by the vocational faculty based on a set of criteria that includes: attendance, grades, cooperation with fellow students and teachers, enthusiasm for subject(s), attitude both in the classroom and out, leadership qualities, and community involvement.

Mason is the son of Cindy and Tim Pearson of Unionville and is a Senior at Putnam County R-1 High School.  Mason is active in multiple organizations including FFA, DECA, NHS, Art Club, Drama Club, Journalism Club, SADD, and Interact.  He serves as a local officer in FFA, NHS, and Drama Club. Mason has also been an active member of the Band all throughout high school and currently serves as the brass section leader.

Randy Morris, Ag Instructor at Putnam County R-1 High School, nominated Mason for this award partly because "he has taken charge of several things this fall including ordering officer shirts and organizing the scavenger hunt at barn warming. He has participated in fall and spring speaking in the past and is already planning on a parliamentary team for spring. He brings a lot of energy to FFA. Mason has shown good initiative in volunteering for items that need to be done as an FFA officer.  Mason also has a great out-going personality and shows lots of energy. He is a valuable asset to our chapter and the school."

The Putnam County R1 School District feels that these monthly rewards reinforce the importance of Career and Technical Education in our schools.  Learning a skilled trade or craft enables many capable students to enter the workforce and establish successful careers. Vocational instruction also helps the college-bound student succeed in various avenues of study.