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Putnam County R-I Schools

Elementary School


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Technology Fun in First Grade

First graders have been learning through a variety of fun, engaging platforms lately. Daily, we use our 4 Chromebooks and 2 iPads to access EPIC or Teach Your Monster to Read during our literacy centers. On EPIC students can access ebooks, audiobooks, videos and read to me books. They can also access EPIC at home. Teach Your Monster to Read is a game based site teaching phonics, phonemic awareness and sight words that can also be played from home. We also enjoy using KaHoot! to take quizzes in math, reading, science or social studies. Finally, and possibly our favorite is using our Plickers cards. These cards are individual to each student like a QR code and depending on how they are holding them they can choose a different multiple choice answer to a question on the board. I scan the cards with my phone or iPad. I enjoy teaching our students to use technology and preparing them for their future, but most of all I love watching them learn in such an engaging way.