From The Desk of Dr. Halley: Calendar Planning
Good morning, another snowy day in North Missouri on February 27, shocker! Still tightly in Old Man Winter’s grasp. Today, I want to provide some explanation of how our school calendar is developed and approved.
As a member of the Education Plus Network (EPN); Green City, Novinger, and Putnam had identical calendars for the past twenty plus years. However, for the 2018-2019 calendar, we agreed that we could have differing calendars. EPN principals coordinate our daily schedules to minimize distractions for students and teachers.
During the 2018-2019 calendar, we eliminated our early out Wednesdays Professional Development schedules in favor of having full-day Professional Development opportunities.
The calendar development process for 2019-2020 began in September of 2018 and hopefully will conclude by March 2019. The EPN superintendents collaborate and share calendar options and opportunities. Once we have a tentative calendar agreement we each make adjustments to the calendar that meet the needs of our local districts. I then share the calendar with the Certified Teachers Association (CTA) Salary and Welfare committee to discuss the pros and cons, and to get their recommendations or suggestions. Once that step is complete, I share with the entire staff and again ask for suggestions. Next, it is shared with the board of education as a non-actionable item. This year for the first time we added a step and have published the calendar requesting public comment, which can be seen on the school website and school Facebook page. This will continue through early March. On March 12, 2019, we will have a special board meeting to adopt the 2019-2020 school calendar.
This upcoming year there are several legislative changes that have provided more local control. If you are interested see RSMo. 160.041 and RSMo. 171.031 for the calendar requirements.
I will outline a few of the adjustments that we intend to make. They are as follows:
August: Work days will occur later in the month due to Calendar shift...Gives fall sports 2 days to practice with no PD.
September: Fair week no change from 18-19
First Monday of each month, except for May, will be used for Professional Development.
Parent Teacher Conferences: back to Thursday early-out and Nothing (no work) Fridays.
November: Thanksgiving break; no change.
December: Christmas break; very nice.
January/February: normal national holidays.
March: NO set Parent Teacher Conferences. However, the Monday PD will be a teacher workday, so that conferences can be held.
April: Easter break is 5.5 days long.
May: School out early.
May: Senior Trip later… misses district and sectionals.
May: Summer school begins early, out early. May 18-June 19; 24 days to maintain the funding level.
You will notice there are no longer any inclement weather days built in. State law has changed. Previously, you must have 1044 hours with 174 days. NEW; you must be in session for 1044 HOURS! With 60 hours of “Makeup” or 1104 hours. No longer is there a specified number of days requirement.
This calendar has 163 total days. 154 full days and 9 early outs!
154 days x 7.1167 hours for a full day = 1095.9718 hours
9 early outs x 4.9833 hours = 44.8497 hours
= 1140.8215 total hours
So, what does this mean for you? We will begin the school year after the completion of the Missouri State Fair. Our county fair is still observed. The first Monday of each month will be off for Professional Development for staff. Lengthy Holiday breaks. Out early in May! If a day is scheduled to be off, it will no longer be a make-up day. Example; January 20 as Martin Luther King Day will be guaranteed to be off!
Win! Win! I hope this information is useful and insightful.