September 12, 2022 COVID-19 Update

September 12, 2022 COVID-19 Update

  Dear Panther Families,  Cold and flu season is upon us and I’ve had several parents reach out with questions regarding the schools COVID-19/Sick Policy for the 2022-2023 school year.    Families should use the same precautions as they would with flu or cold symptoms. Students who are sick or […]

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February 27, 2022 COVID-19 Update

February 27, 2022 COVID-19 Update

February 27, 2022 Dear Panther Families,  I am providing an update on where we are in terms of COVID-19 and navigating mitigation strategies. Effective February 25, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control announced that it was exercising its enforcement discretion to not require people to wear masks on buses or […]

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1/3/2022 COVID-19 Update

1/3/2022 COVID-19 Update

Dear Panther Families,  I am writing to provide an update on where we are in terms of COVID-19 and navigating mitigation strategies. On December 27, 2021, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) updated its isolation and quarantine guidelines moving from a ten (10) day isolation/quarantine period to a five (5) […]

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COVID-19 Update – September 27, 2021

COVID-19 Update – September 27, 2021

Dear Panther Families,  I am writing to you today to give you an update on our campus operations after the Special Board Meeting that was held on Thursday, September 23, 2021. Discussion regarding Policy 1905, specifically optional vs. mandatory masking, was heard by several of our Panther parents and staff. […]

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September 6, 2021 COVID-19 Update

September 6, 2021 COVID-19 Update

Dear Panther Families,  In an effort to keep you as informed as possible, I am writing to you today to give you an update on our campus operations. As I stated previously, we may find the need to add mitigation measures back into our daily procedures in an attempt to […]

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Summer 2021 Update

Summer 2021 Update

Dear Panther Families,  I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying your summer! The purpose of this letter is to update you on items for the 2021-2022 school year that have been discussed and updated via our latest Board meetings. We wanted to ensure that this information was communicated […]

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