Dear Panther Families,
I am writing to you today to give you an update on our campus operations after the Special Board Meeting that was held on Thursday, September 23, 2021. Discussion regarding Policy 1905, specifically optional vs. mandatory masking, was heard by several of our Panther parents and staff. While valid points/concerns were made on both sides of the topic, the Board determined that no changes would be made to Policy 1905 at this time. Masks will remain optional but recommended on Pioneer’s campus for all staff, students, and visitors.
We are very excited to resume school on campus beginning Wednesday, September 29th, 2021 at 8:00 am. As we open our doors and welcome our students back to the physical classroom, I wanted to take this opportunity to once again ask for your assistance. In order for our doors to remain open and masks to remain optional, we MUST be diligent in keeping ill students home. As we return to campus if your child is exhibiting any symptoms of illness, please keep them home to monitor them. If you have any questions regarding your options or need assistance to determine how long your child should be monitored, please contact me.
I realize the burden that remote learning can place on our Panther families, and the decision to shift to remote learning is never an easy one. However, when faced with staff shortages and/or positive COVID cases on our campus, it becomes a necessary one. The absolute BEST mitigation strategy we have is ensuring that sick students and staff remain home. As such, Pioneer’s COVID-19 Guidelines and sick policy will be strictly enforced. Last year, Pioneer shifted to remote learning twice – it is my hope that the most recent shift will be our one and only shift this school year. Together, I know we can do this!
As always, if you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to reach out. I look forward to seeing each of you on Wednesday!
Melissa Schnitzmeier
Principal/Superintendent, Pioneer Elementary