School News

November 13th, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Pioneer Elementary School 1937 Dover Road Billings, MT   59105     Telephone (406)-373-5357 Mission Statement:  Our mission is to serve the community and the school by creating a safe environment that fosters Respect, Trust, Accountability, and Responsibility while promoting life-long learning for all.   Regular Meeting Minutes . […]

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December 11, 2023 Board Meeting Agenda

PIONEER SCHOOL DISTRICT #41 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2023 Regular meeting will start at 4:30 pm. Pioneer School Main Building –Via Zoom Only  Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 858 7271 2779 Passcode: H7SFTi For those individuals who desire to address the Board during the public comment […]

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October 16, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Pioneer Elementary School 1937 Dover Road Billings, MT   59105     Telephone (406)-373-5357 Mission Statement:  Our mission is to serve the community and the school by creating a safe environment that fosters Respect, Trust, Accountability, and Responsibility while promoting life-long learning for all.   Regular Meeting Minutes . […]

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November 13, 2023 Board Meeting Agenda

PIONEER SCHOOL DISTRICT #41 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2023 Regular meeting will start at 4:30 pm. Pioneer School Main Building – Classroom #105 and/or Via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 870 9404 0975 Passcode: hSRbd4 For those individuals who desire to address the Board during […]

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September 11, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Pioneer Elementary School 1937 Dover Road Billings, MT   59105     Telephone (406)-373-5357 Mission Statement:  Our mission is to serve the community and the school by creating a safe environment that fosters Respect, Trust, Accountability, and Responsibility while promoting life-long learning for all.   Regular Meeting Minutes . […]

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October 16, 2023 Board Meeting Agenda

PIONEER SCHOOL DISTRICT #41 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2023 Regular meeting will start at 4:30 pm. Pioneer School Main Building – Classroom #105 and/or Via Zoom Meeting ID: 859 6286 8737 Passcode: nJgc3B   For those individuals who desire to address the Board during the public […]

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Superintendent’s Campus Update

Panther Community, I trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits. As most of you know, Pioneer School has been working tirelessly to find ways to fund a new school building. For over a century, we have strived to provide an exceptional learning environment that fosters growth, […]

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September 11, 2023 Board Meeting Agenda

PIONEER SCHOOL DISTRICT #41 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2023 Regular meeting will start at 4:30 pm. Pioneer School Main Building – Classroom #106 and/or Via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 896 9882 1027 Passcode: ayY0n1 For those individuals who desire to address the Board during […]

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