The World Language program is proficiency driven.  Areas of proficiency are:  speaking, listening, writing, reading and culture.  Active participation and physical activity are mainstays of the program.  The study of culture includes the customs, beliefs, habits, history and arts of the people and countries of the target language.  Respect for cultural differences is emphasized.  Each course of study within the World Language program is designed to allow students to develop and refine skills in the areas of proficiency. 
Each course builds upon proficiencies mastered in the previous course, earning a grade of “C” or better is preferable in order to advance to the next level.  

FRENCH 1: Grade 9-12, Year=2 CR, No Prerequisite, RAI Approved

French 1 presents the basic structure of the language by means of the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  Students will learn the pronunciation of the French alphabet and how to recognize and apply accents.  Classroom activities include group exercises stressing pronunciation and grammar, pair and small-group activities to increase speaking time, songs, games, videos, conversations, listening activities, and guided written expression.  Basic vocabulary includes numbers, classroom vocabulary (objects and commands), present tense of regular and irregular verbs,  adjectives, nouns designating people/family/friends/pets, telling time, days of the week, months, likes and dislikes, activities, possessive adjectives, weather and seasons, colors, and indefinite/definite articles.  The dialogs and readings relate to aspects of French culture and civilization and help to develop a global perspective of the world.  #4000

FRENCH 2: Grade 10-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=French 1, RAI Approved

French 2 reviews and expands the basic grammar and vocabulary of French 1.  Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural activities will enhance the vital components of language study.  More emphasis is given to applying French in a global community, brief conversations, songs, videos, mini-compositions, listening activities, pair and small-group activities, written practice, and group discussion will help to further a student’s connection to the language.  Topics will include more regular/irregular verbs, clothing and accessories, how to create and use passé composé (past tense), city vocabulary (locations and transportation), chores, house and furniture, foods and beverages, and travel vocabulary.  #4001

FRENCH 3: Grade 11-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=French 2, RAI Approved

French 3 continues the presentation of basic grammar and language structure by means of culturally-oriented narratives, short readings, films, listening activities, and songs.  Students will increase speaking time in pairs or small groups.  More emphasis is placed on the practical use of the French language, and students will participate in various types of speaking activities in order to increase their oral proficiency.  Writing skills are strengthened through guided practice and will be facilitated with more exposure and access to vocabulary.  Topics will include French celebrations and preparations for une soirée, direct/indirect object pronouns, expanded food vocabulary (including shopping and preparation vocabulary), computer vocabulary, daily routines (reflexive verbs), and passé composé versus imparfait.  #4002

FRENCH 4: Grade 12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=French 3, RAI Approved

French 4 includes review and expansion of French grammar by means of communication with and examples from other members of the class.  Reading comprehension is strengthened through short stories and narratives.  The development of French culture includes exposure to French-speaking authors, poets, musicians, actors, and artists.  Students write original compositions and prepare brief skits using review and new vocabulary terms and grammar.  Topics include professions and services (including the future), telephone and formal letter vocabulary, the passé simple, the future perfect, present participles, life events and emotions (including the subjunctive), nature and animals, politics and government (including the conditional), and the environment.  Students read Le Petit Prince in French, enriching their vocabulary and providing a basis for class discussion.  Discussions help students to see the connection between language study and our global society.  Awareness of French-speaking countries, the contributions made by French-speaking individuals, and the legacies of the countries that they represent will increase.  #4003

SPANISH 1: Grade 9-12, Year=2 CR, No Prerequisite, RAI Approved

Spanish 1 is not an appropriate elective for native speakers of the language or bilingual students.

Spanish 1 presents basic structure of Spanish. Attention is given to basic grammar, correct pronunciation, basic vocabulary, writing practice, and listening to comprehensive exercises.  Students work as individuals, in small groups, or in pairs to practice skills learned in each lesson.  Students also learn of the culture and history of Spanish speakers.  #4100

SPANISH 2: Grade 10-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=Spanish 1, RAI Approved

Spanish 2 is not an appropriate elective for native speakers of the language or bilingual students.

Spanish 2 has more emphasis on speaking presented in the form of dialogues or discussion of concise reading selections.  Activities include brief dialogues and pair activities.  Attention is given to grammar explanations, correct pronunciation and vocabulary.  Listening exercises are presented.  Audiovisual materials will be used in presenting the culture of Spanish speaking countries.   #4101

SPANISH 3: Grade 11-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=Spanish 2, RAI Approved

Bilingual students will be assessed on their writing skills instead of their speaking skills.

Spanish 3 builds on the concepts learned in Spanish 2.  There is more attention given to grammar explanations and vocabulary.  Basic grammar and language structure are presented by means of cultural oriented narratives.  More emphasis is given to the practical use of the language.  Students participate in different oral activities in order to improve their conversation skills in Spanish.  Writing skills are strengthened through writing short compositions, and original skits.  Using classroom situations plus illustrated real-life situations, students will learn to identify cultural differences within the Hispanic world, increase basic communication skills in written and oral activities including the use of new verb tenses. #4102

SPANISH 4: Grade 12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=Spanish 3, RAI Approved

Bilingual students will be assessed on their writing skills instead of their speaking skills.

Students will continue to review grammar introduced in levels 1, 2 and 3.  More advanced grammar is introduced through a variety of individual, partner or group communicative activities.  Although all communicative skills are practiced, there is a greater emphasis given to speaking Spanish.  Students are expected to continually develop their abilities to speak Spanish effectively.  Students write original guided compositions and prepare skits based on everyday situations.  Reading skills are strengthened through the presentation of short stories and various readings.  Students discuss current events, art, and Spanish culture.  Using classroom situations plus illustrated real-life situations, students will learn to converse effectively in the language; develop translation skills through reading selections; improve listening skills related to relevant topics/concepts and expand comprehension of cultural awareness through discussions of historical and contemporary topics.  #4103

*AP SPANISH LANGUAGE & CULTURE:  Grade 11-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=Spanish 3, RAI Approved

AP Spanish Language and Culture is Equivalent to an intermediate level college course in Spanish. Students cultivate their understanding of Spanish language and culture by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations as they explore concepts related to family and communities, personal and public identities, beauty and aesthetics, science and technology, contemporary life, and global challenges. #0000

HERITAGE SPANISH 1: Grade 9-12, Year=2 CR, No Prerequisite, RAI Approved

Teacher approval is necessary to alter the sequence of the Heritage Spanish courses.

This course is designed for any student whose native language is Spanish or for those students who have had frequent exposure to spoken Spanish in their daily lives.  Its purpose is to allow native speakers or near native speakers of Spanish to acquire and improve reading and writing skills in their native language.  Emphasis is placed on spelling, capitalization, accentuation, punctuation, readings of various literary works, and writing of compositions.  This course focuses on grammar in a variety of tenses, literature media and the culture, history, and geography of the Spanish speaking world.   #4104

HERITAGE SPANISH 2: Grade 10-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite= Heritage Spanish 1, RAI Approved

Teacher approval is necessary to alter the sequence of the Heritage Spanish courses.

This is a more rigorous course that is designed for Spanish speakers or near native speakers.  The course continues the mechanics of language (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure). Emphasis is placed on oral and written communication, reading, and active listening.  There are units on verbs conjugation and agreement rules, reading contemporary literature, and composition skills.  Units also include self-awareness on what it means to be Hispanic/Latino in the United States.  #4105

HERITAGE SPANISH 3: Grade 11-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite= Heritage Spanish 2, RAI Approved

Teacher approval is necessary to alter the sequence of the Heritage Spanish courses.

This advanced course is designed for Spanish speakers.  The course continues the mechanics of language (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure).  The students will engage in oral and written communication, reading and active listening.  Students will continue to improve reading, listening, and composition skills through the use of current events.  Students will also learn about the history of various Spanish-speaking countries.  #4106

HERITAGE SPANISH 4: Grade 12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite= Heritage Spanish 3, RAI Approved

Teacher approval is necessary to alter the sequence of the Heritage Spanish courses.

This advanced course is designed for Spanish speakers.  The course provides the opportunity for native speakers to refine and enhance their communicative skills.  They will continue to improve their communication on modern dilemmas, current issues, and open-table discussions through reading, listening, and composing.  #4107