PRE-ALGEBRA:  Grade 9-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite= ESL Teacher Recommendation

Students will study all the essential skills and concepts needed to succeed in Algebra 1.  Topics covered may include decimals, percent, variables, algebraic expressions, formulas, ratio, integers and rational numbers, slope, rate of change, linearity, and some introductory number theory, geometry, probability, and statistics.  #3003

ALGEBRA 1 ACADEMIC:  Grade 9-12, Year=2 CR, No Prerequisite, RAI Approved

In this course, the structure and properties of real numbers are reviewed and extended.  Equation solving skills and other knowledge gained in this course is the basis for all further math work (i.e., multi-step equations, linear equations, quadratic equations, systems of equations, statistics, radicals, and polynomials).  These skills are then applied to various disciplines.  Students should expect daily assignments.  #3006

ALGEBRA 1:  Grade 9-12, Year=2 CR, No Prerequisite, RAI Approved

This course is intended for students who need general knowledge of Algebra 1 and remain committed to gaining the necessary knowledge for all further math work (i.e., multi-step equations, linear equations, quadratics, statistics, polynomials, and systems of equations). This course covers all of the relevant Iowa Core curriculum requirements.  Students should discuss enrollment in this course with their current math teacher or counselor to ensure it will meet their needs.  Students should expect daily assignments. #3020

*GEOMETRY HONORS (9th GRADE HONORS):  Grade 9, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=Algebra 1, RAI Approved

This course provides students with experiences that deepen the understanding of mathematical relationships in Euclidean geometry.  Deductive and inductive reasoning as well as investigative strategies in drawing conclusions are stressed.  Other studies include trigonometry, probability, analytic geometry, and non-Euclidean geometries.

This class will cover all aspects of formal geometry, but will place more emphasis on the principles of logic, the formalizing of proofs, and the theory of geometry.  The problems in this class will involve a high degree of difficulty.  A strong working knowledge of algebra is required.  Due to the pacing of this course, a strong work ethic is essential.  Students should expect daily homework assignments. Enrollment for this course is appropriate after taking Algebra in 8th grade in the honors track, or by teacher recommendation. #3005

GEOMETRY ACADEMIC:  Grade 10-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=Algebra 1 or Teacher Rec, RAI Approved

This course enables students to discover mathematical relationships in Euclidean geometry, trigonometry, probability, and analytic geometry, which will serve as a basis for concepts, developed in Algebra 2 or other technical studies.

Students develop their ability to use logical thinking through an introduction to mathematical proof.  Goals of the course include developing skills to justify and support claims mathematically, as well as analyzing and organizing his/her thoughts using geometry problems for practice.  

A strong working knowledge of Algebra is required.  For greatest chances of success, students must have passed both semesters of Algebra 1, or otherwise demonstrate mastery of Algebra concepts, before entering Geometry.  Students must be able to solve multi-step equations, linear equations, quadratic equations, and systems of equations.  Students must also be able to simplify radicals and factor polynomials.  Students should expect daily homework assignments. #3103

GEOMETRY:  Grade 10-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite= Algebra 1, RAI Approved

This course is designed for the student needing a general knowledge of geometry, Euclidean geometry and probability, as well as introductory proofs and trigonometry will be the basis of this course.  This course will cover all of the relevant Iowa Core curriculum requirements. Students should discuss enrollment in this course with their current math teacher or counselor to ensure it will meet their needs.   #3101

*ALGEBRA 2 HONORS (10th GRADE HONORS):  Grade 10, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=Geometry Honors or Geometry with teacher rec, RAI Approved

This is the second level course in the honors sequence.  Advanced topics in algebra, trigonometry, logarithms, systems of equations, matrices, statistics, quadratic equations, advanced factoring, and imaginary numbers.  #3102

ALGEBRA 2 ACADEMIC:  Grade 11-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite= Geometry or Teacher Rec, RAI Approved

This course builds on the concepts and skills of Algebra 1 and is in turn the foundation for more advanced mathematics.  It emphasizes the relationships of numbers and the techniques of problem solving.  Many new and interesting topics of mathematics are studied.  They include logarithms, trigonometry, statistics, and imaginary numbers.  Homework is required on a regular basis.  #3201

ALGEBRA 2:  Grade 11-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite= Geometry or Teacher Rec, RAI Approved

This course is intended for students who need a general knowledge of Algebra 2.  Topics include statistics, linear, non-linear functions, logarithms, trigonometry, imaginary numbers, as well as other algebraic content as required by the Iowa Core.  Students should discuss enrollment in this course with their current math teacher or counselor to ensure it will meet their needs.  Homework is required on a regular basis.  #3205

21st CENTURY MATH:  Grade 12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite= Algebra 2 

21st Century Math is intended for students interested in a fourth year of math who have completed at least Geometry Core. Explore the mathematics of the 21st Century through a course that applies mathematics to real life situations. Gain the skills needed to survive in the 21st Century by discovering topics such as loans, budgeting, taxes, consumerism, and much more. This class takes a business and consumer type approach, giving you the knowledge to be successful in the future.  #3106

ADVANCED MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS:  Grade 11-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite= Algebra 2, RAI Approved

Advanced Mathematical Concepts is an upper level course intended for students who have successfully completed Algebra 2 but are not quite ready, or not eligible, to take the Indian Hills concurrent enrollment classes.  First semester topics will include developing an understanding of functions at a beginning pre-calculus level, transformations of functions, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions. Second semester topics will include trigonometry, matrices, vectors and statistical topics.  Upon successful completion of this course a student should be prepared to take a collegiate level class.  #3204

MATH SKILLS I:  Grade=9-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=IEP Team Decision

Math Skills I will focus on functional math skills at the beginning elementary level.  The curriculum will be life skills focused on money, time, bills, and functional skills needed in life. #341, 03412 

MATH SKILLS II:  Grade=9-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=IEP Team Decision

Math Skills will focus on helping students learn basic math skills.  Students will focus on basic operations and skills needed to complete functional daily living tasks.  #450

INTRO TO ALGEBRA 1:  Grade=9-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=IEP Team Decision

Intro to Algebra I focuses on helping students learn Algebra skills.  Students in this course will work on modified Algebra Core curriculum.  #451

INTRO TO GEOMETRY:  Grade=9-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=IEP Team Decision

Intro to Geometry focuses on helping students learn Geometry skills.  Students in this course will work on modified Geometry Core curriculum.  #452

INTRO TO 21st CENTURY MATH: Grade=11-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=IEP Team Dec

Intro to 21st Century Math is intended for students to explore the mathematics of the 21st Century through a course that applies mathematics to real life situations.  Units may include: review basic math skills, earning/handling money, owning a car, owning a house, paying taxes, budgeting and banking, and traveling.  #453


The following Indian Hills Community College courses are offered for concurrent credit.  Successful completion of any of these courses will result in 1 OHS credit toward graduation AND college credit at IHCC. OHS discipline and attendance policies apply. 

*MAT110 MATH FOR LIBERAL ARTS: Grade 12, Semester=1 CR, Prerequisite=Proficiency Required, Algebra 2, IHCC & OHS Credit, RAI Approved

This is a liberal arts course intended for students with a wide variety of mathematical backgrounds. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving and applications. Topics include set theory, logic, probability, statistics, and consumer mathematics. At least one additional topic will be chosen from among algebra basics or voting theory.  #MAT110

*MAT120 COLLEGE ALGEBRA:  Grade 11-12, Semester=1 CR, Prerequisite=Proficiency Required, “C” or higher in Algebra 1 and Algebra 2, IHCC & OHS Credit, RAI Approved

This course extends on the study of algebraic principles. Topics include linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, graphs of relations and functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations, matrices and determinants. Students will solve a variety of real world applied problems relating to these topics. Students should have a strong background in algebra. Significant time is required outside of class to complete coursework.  #MAT120

*MAT125 PRECALCULUS:  Grade 11-12, Semester=1 CR, Prerequisite=Proficiency Required, Algebra 2, IHCC & OHS Credit, RAI Approved

This course is a study of polynomials, trigonometry, vectors, and other advanced topics including an introduction to calculus.  Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be well-prepared for Calculus or college math courses. Significant time is required outside of class to complete coursework. #MAT125

*MAT156 STATISTICS:  Grade 12, Semester=1 CR, Prerequisite=Proficiency Required, Algebra 2, IHCC & OHS Credit, RAI Approved    

This course is offered to seniors who are college bound.  It is appropriate for students planning to major in business, economics and the life and social sciences.  This course will give a student a solid background in the use and misuse of statistics.  The student will study the fundamentals of statistical method and inference with an emphasis on their application.  #MAT156

*MAT210 CALCULUS 1:  Grade 12, Semester=1 CR, Prerequisite=Proficiency Required, 75 or higher on ALEKS math placement test, Pre-Calculus, IHCC & OHS Credit, RAI Approved

Calculus 1 is an honors level course; topics include properties of functions, limits, and differential calculus. There is an emphasis on conceptual understanding and working with functions represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. A graphing calculator is used extensively. Students should expect daily homework assignments.  #MAT210

*MAT216 CALCULUS 2:  Grade 12, Semester=1 CR, Prerequisite=Proficiency Required, C or higher in Calculus 1, IHCC & OHS Credit, RAI Approved

Calculus is an honors level course; topics include integral calculus, as well as an introduction to differential equations using slope fields. There is an emphasis on conceptual understanding and working with functions represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. Students should expect to spend a significant amount of time outside of class completing coursework.  #MAT216