The goal of the high school physical education program is to provide opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become a physically educated person.  Students will appreciate and understand the value of physical education and its relationship to a healthy, active lifestyle.  Students will participate in a variety of fitness activities to improve their personal level of fitness.  Students will also develop the skills and knowledge necessary to participate successfully in lifetime activities, as well as, team and individual sports.  Knowledge and application of the components of fitness are integral parts of each course.  The relationship between the components of fitness and the individual sport/activity will be explored.  All courses will emphasize the importance of safety, cooperation and sportsmanship.

GROUP FITNESS :  Grade 9-12, Semester=1 CR, No Prerequisite

The focus of aerobic activities is to improve the five components of physical fitness for each student.  This course is “music driven” and includes, but is not limited to:  Zumba; kickboxing; cardio, core and conditioning; walking, running, yoga, and “Just Dance” using Wii-Fit. The students will gain cardio-vascular and muscular endurance, strength, balance, flexibility, rhythm, and timing. The course will emphasize physical fitness and lifetime wellness.  The course will include a nutrition component with the emphasis on leading and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Students will participate in regular physical fitness assessments and create an individual workout program. #224, 225

PE BASKETBALL:  Grade 9-12, Semester=1 CR, No Prerequisite

Basketball is a lifetime activity and very popular in our community with basketball leagues offered for all ages and intramural basketball competitions offered at OHS.  The students will receive instruction and practice in basketball skills.  Students will play 2 on 2; 3 on 3; 4 on 4; and 5 on 5 basketball games.  Students will work on improving their cardiovascular endurance and conditioning by running in class every day.  Students will complete physical fitness tests three times during the school year.  #218/219

PERFORMANCE EVENT TRAINING:  Grade 10-12, Semester=2 Period Block, 2CR, No Prerequisite
Requirement: Students must provide their own transportation to designated areas for class.  This class will be offered during the 2nd semester.  The goal of this class is to prepare students both physically and mentally to complete an endurance race.  Students will have the option to choose which type of endurance event they will train for, help develop a training plan, and execute the training plan. This class will count toward the PE requirement for graduation. #0000

INTRO TO PHYSICAL CONDITIONING:  Grade 9-12, Semester=1 CR, No Prerequisite
This course is an introductory program designed to learn basic movement patterns required for compound strength training. The course will have a strong focus on technique, mobility, and stability throughout the body.  We will utilize a ground up approach to teaching proper technique for movements such as the hip hinge and squat, along with a strong emphasis on mobility and stability throughout the shoulder, hip girdle, and thoracic spine. This course is a required prerequisite to enter the Physical Conditioning class, which focuses on advanced movement patterns. #0000

PHYSICAL CONDITIONING: Grade 9-12, Semester=1 CR, No Prerequisite

This course is for all students who are serious about improving their strength, athleticism, and overall physical condition.  The class will focus on improving functional strength to create better athletes.  This is a challenging and demanding class.  Students are expected to display a strong work ethic daily. 

  • Speed and Quickness Component
    • Increasing flexibility, speed, quickness, and explosiveness in all students will be emphasized daily.  Students will participate in stretching, flexibility exercises, sprints, plyometrics, and agility training. 
  • Strength and Weight Training Component
    • This strength and weight training course will be held in the free weight room.  This workout program will consist of introductory weight training, focusing on the development of core and rear chain strength.  These students will be taught the proper form and technique of exercises ranging from beginner to advanced.  Form, technique, and base-strength development will be the emphasis.

The program will consist of multi-joint and ground-based movements, including hang cleans, snatch, and a variety of squats. #208

EARLYBIRD PHYSICAL CONDITIONING:  Grade 9-12, Semester=1 CR, Prerequisite = Intro to Physical Conditioning or Successful Completion of Summer Program

This course is for all students who are serious about improving their strength, athleticism, and overall physical condition.  The class will focus on improving functional strength to create better athletes.  This is a challenging and demanding class.  Students are expected to display a strong work ethic daily. 

  • Speed and Quickness Component
    • Increasing flexibility, speed, quickness, and explosiveness in all students will be emphasized daily.  Students will participate in stretching, flexibility exercises, sprints, plyometrics, and agility training.  
  • Strength and Weight Training Component
    • This strength and weight training course will be held in the free weight room.  This workout program will consist of introductory weight training, focusing on the development of core and rear chain strength.  These students will be taught the proper form and technique of exercises ranging from beginner to advanced.  Form, technique, and base-strength development will be the emphasis.  

The program will consist of multi-joint and ground-based movements, including hang cleans, snatch, and a variety of squats. #208

PE TEAM SPORTS: Grade 9-12, Semester=1 CR, No Prerequisite

Students enrolled in regular physical education will be participating in a variety of individual, partner and team sports. Some of the activities included in regular physical education include: volleyball, football, basketball, track and field, and physical fitness instruction and testing.  Emphasis is on the five health components of physical fitness.  Students will participate in semester physical fitness assessments a minimum of three times  yearly.  #200, 201

PE SOCCER:  Grade 9-12, Semester=1 CR, No Prerequisite

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to learn and develop fundamental and advanced skills and strategies of soccer activities, as well as, fitness concepts and conditioning techniques used for achieving and maintaining optimal physical fitness. Students will benefit from comprehensive team activities and cardiorespiratory activities. Students will learn basic fundamentals and advanced techniques of soccer, aerobic training, and overall fitness training and conditioning. Course includes both lecture and activity sessions. Students will be empowered to make wise choices, meet challenges, and develop positive behaviors in team activities, aerobic fitness, wellness, and movement activity for a lifetime.  Students will participate in regular physical fitness assessments. #232, 233

WALKING FOR FITNESS:  Grade 9-12, Semester=1 CR, No Prerequisite 

This course is designed for students interested in improving their personal level of fitness through walking. Students will learn how walking can improve cardio-respiratory fitness, prevent disease, and reduce stress. They will also learn about the relationship between good nutritional habits, health habits and exercise. Students will assess their current fitness levels, create a plan for increasing their fitness, participate in goal setting and reassess fitness levels several times throughout the course.  Students will learn how to use heart rate monitors and interpret the results as they relate to their individual fitness level.  Students will participate in semester physical fitness assessments. #220, 221

ADAPTIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH:  Grades 9-12, Semester=1 CR, Prerequisite=IEP Team Decision

Students enrolled in Adaptive Physical Education will participate in supported team sports. The class will have student leaders to serve as “coaches” to assist the classroom teacher with instruction. Uniforms are not required; however, students must dress appropriately for physical activity. There will be individualized programs designed to accommodate each student’s needs and abilities. Emphasis will be placed on determining personal fitness needs, the importance of exercise, and attaining and maintaining fitness throughout life. #367, 368

ADAPTIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION PEER ASSISTANT:  Grades=10-12, Semester=1 CR, Prerequisite=Interest in pursuing education or counselor permission 

The PE Instructor and the student “coach” will work together to provide individualized instruction.  Students will become a trained “coach” to provide an upbeat atmosphere in which all students experience success.  Students involved in the Best Buddies program will receive first priority and seniors will receive second priority in the scheduling process.  Students coaches will:  provide students with an individualized program; offer a variety of activities to promote social growth and physical development; provide interpersonal experiences with students and peer coaches; and have a positive impact on the class.  Course will earn an elective credit. #1407


HEALTH:  Grade 9, Semester=1 CR, No Prerequisite

Health is a valuable, skill-based health education course required of all 9th grade students. Health concepts and skills will be covered in this course. Concepts include physical, mental, and emotional health; disease prevention; relationships; nutrition; injury/violence prevention; reproductive health; alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training. Skills include analyzing influences, accessing valid and reliable sources; communicating effectively; making health decisions; setting goals; practicing self-management; and self-advocating. #6403

HEALTH AND LIFE MANAGEMENT:  Grade 9-12, Semester=1 CR, No Prerequisite

Health and Life Management focuses on responsible decision making and proper planning for a healthy lifestyle. This course strengthens knowledge of health concepts such as nutrition, stress management, disease prevention, and other topics. Health skills will be further practice along with the exploration of health and wellness career opportunities. #64032