

    Welcome to the BWF Nurse Website!

    We look forward to working with you and your child. Please contact us if you have any concerns about your child's health. Also, inform us of any changes in their health status during the school year, such as illnesses/diseases, medications, surgeries, or conditions that could affect their school performance. We want our students to be healthy, safe, and ready to learn.
    ATTENTION PARENTS:  If your child requires medication at school, an adult must bring the medication along with the required medication authorization form to school. A copy of the form is available on this website. Please note, prescription medications require a physician's signature on the form. 
    ATTENTION PARENTS OF 6TH GRADERS: State law mandates that students 11 years or older entering 6th grade must be vaccinated with the Tdap vaccination prior to 6th grade entry. Please bring the new immunization form to the nurse or office after obtaining the vaccination and new form.
     click here for main student health page https://www.mtnbrook.k12.al.us/Page/532
     School Nurses Care for Kids
       Missy Cummings
    Nurse Office Direct Line # 205-414-3778
    Nurse Fax # 205-414-3777
    Room 200