Response to Instruction
The purpose of the RtI framework is to combine core instruction, assessments and intervention within a multi-tiered system to increase student achievement and to reduce behavior problems.Response to Instruction is defined as:
“an instructional framework that promotes a well-integrated system connecting general, gifted, supplemental, and special education services in providing high quality, standards-based instruction and intervention that is matched to students’ academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs. RtI combines core instruction, assessment, and intervention within a multi-tiered system to increase student achievement and reduce behavior problems.”
(Response to Instruction: Alabama’s Core Support for All Students)
Providing differentiated, scientific, research-based core instruction and interventions are key elements of the RtI framework.
Student Support Team (SST) Purpose
The purpose of the Student Support Team (SST) is to help guide general education intervention services for all students who have academic or behavior difficulties. The SST supports the school’s successful implementation of the Response to Instruction (RtI) framework.
The SST is responsible for the decisions which ensure that:
(1) Students receive instruction and intervention matched to their identified needs,(2) Appropriate progress monitoring tools are utilized to provide evidence of students’ response to instruction and intervention, and(3) Progress monitoring data are used to make timely instructional decisions which maximize student outcomes.Structure of Student Support Teams
Schools will structure SST’s that are comprised of specific school personnel.
Elementary teams consist of the following: counselor, general education teacher(s)- one primary and one upper elementary, the presenting teacher, academic interventionist, reading coach, special education teacher. Other pertinent personnel will be invited as needed.
There is a designated SST coordinator in each school.
The principal has the responsibility to ensure and document that procedures, instruction, and intervention are implemented with consistency.
Mountain Brook Schools ELL Plan
The purpose of the ELL program is to enable students who have limited skills in the English language to become competent in the listening, speaking, reading, and writing of English. The goals of the program are as follows:
To increase the English language proficiency to the degree necessary to allow independent functioning in the regular school program.
To provide the ELL student the opportunity to reach his or her full potential.