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Junior Timeline
This is the year to focus on college and career research. Resources such as www.collegefortn.org , www.bigfuture.collegeboard.org, have a lot of good information. The Counseling office also has many catalogs and view books so drop by and browse. MPHS website is loaded with information: https://www.mauryk12.org/Domain/22 (Go to For Students tab)
Maintain your grades and involvement in school and community activities.
Be sure to attend meetings with college representatives and military recruiters when they visit MPHS.
Make a file to collect and organize your college, scholarship and financial aid data. For suggestions on how to organize a high school resume, check it out on our website under For Students, High School Resume
Look at the admission requirements for the colleges you are interested in such as GPA and ACT/SAT test scores. If you are considering a technical school, stop by the Counseling office for a brochure of program offerings or visit the website of the school of your choice.
Consider dual enrollment class at CSCC or TCAT Hohenwald or Pulaski for no tuition cost during your junior year. Talk to your counselor about this during your sophomore year, when you register for classes. (We will have a dual enrollment information night in the spring)
Apply to a Governor's school, Leadership Maury, or Girls or Boys State if you meet the requirements. These activities look great on your resume.
All juniors will take the ACT at MPHS in March free of charge. Begin to prepare by downloading practice tests at www.actstudent.org or Khan Academy
Schedule tours of college campuses you are interested in to see what fits best for you. Spring Break is a perfect time for college visits.
Begin to search for financial aid sources – consider your parents’ employers, community and civic organizations. Find more resources at MPHS website; use both the Academics tab to find the Counseling Center and the For Students tab. Never pay anyone to look for scholarships.
If you are an athlete planning to continue playing a sport in college, register with the NCAA Eligibility Center (www.ncaaclearinghouse.net) or the NAIA Eligibility Center (https://play.mynaia.org/ ), dependent on the school’s affiliation
Register for senior classes that will give you a strong transcript. Talk to your counselor about Dual Enrollment or AP classes.
Look for a summer job/internship/ or college program.
Add any new awards, honors, sports, extra-curricular activities to your file. Create a resume’ of experiences since you started high school.