8th to 9th Grade Scheduling

Dear Students/Parents/Caregivers,

We are approaching the time of year when we will be talking with current 8th graders about the 9th grade scheduling process.

Thank you for making time to watch the 8th to 9th grade Planning Video created to share information about credits, transcripts and 9th grade course selection. The link to the video can be found on the webpage and included below. We hope 8th grade students will view this video along with their parents/caregivers (maybe more than once!).

We have provided a link to the Minerva DeLand website that includes the Minerva Electives videos. This video includes information outlining the electives offered as well as the Fairport CSD course guide for the 2024-2025 school year.

On January 3rd, Parents & Caregivers of 8th grade students are invited to attend the in person Minerva DeLand Parent Information Presentation. The Minerva DeLand team, along with your middle school counselors, will discuss the transition process, including course selection and graduation requirements.

Finally, in the middle of January, students will meet with JP & MB school counselors to complete the course selection process for 9th grade. Our goal is for all students and parents/caregivers to start having conversations at home about planning for 9th grade to prepare for these individual scheduling meetings in mid-January.

Mary Karen Petroske
8th counselor at Johanna Perrin
Nick Cocilova
8th Grade Counselor at Martha Brown

Click here to view the Minerva DeLand Electives Videos

Click here for the Minerva DeLand 8th to 9th grade scheduling page



Page Last Updated on December 11, 2023

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