1. Review an assessment of English language proficiency, which in California is the ELPAC. This is a review of the student’s ELPAC annual assessment results. For this criterion, the student must receive an overall score of 4 in order to be considered for reclassification. If a student meets this criterion, move to the next step in the process. In not, the student should remain an English learner.
2. Review of the ELD Standards and Assessments. Review student Benchmark Tests, Illuminate Reports, and Student Progress Profiles to confirm mastery of ELD Standards as compared to their English only peers. If a student meets this criterion, move to the next step in the process. In not, the student should remain an English learner.
3. Teacher evaluation of student academic performance in the classroom or specialized programs. The teacher will evaluate student assessments and students ability in comparison to their English only peers and submit an evaluation/input form with feedback and recommendations.
4. This step includes parent opinion and consultation. If the student has satisfied all criteria for reclassification, a parent conference is scheduled to review student performance and solicit parental input. Inform the parent of their right to challenge the decisions of placement and language reclassification. Be sure to include parent comments and ideas in the document. Parent/Guardian sign and date the reclassification form.
5. All parties sign and date the forms. Documentation is then sent to the accountability department for review. After review student status is updated in their electronic student profile and documents are uploaded into the profile.
6. Schools are encouraged to recognize those students who earn reclassification at an upcoming academic assembly, ELAC, SART, IDAC Meetings, classroom presentation, or a letter of congratulations sent home to the family.
7. Begin the Four-Year Monitoring Process as outlined on next page.