• Welcome to my webpage! 2023-2024 will be a great year!

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Phone: 828 754-4022


Degrees and Certifications:

Cheryl Pritchard

Welcome to my webpage!!! My name is Cheryl Pritchard. I have been teaching since 1994! I have been at Lower Creek all those years except for a half year at Gamewell Elementary in my first year of teaching. I taught second grade for one year, first grade for one year and have been in Kindergarten for the rest of my teaching career! Lower Creek is a wonderful school and I am privileged to teach here.  I love working with Kindergarten students and helping them learn to read and learn about math. I like to plan fun and educational learning activities in social studies and science as well. I take advantage of tech advances to help my students learn.  I love to teach them how to be students!   I serve on the SIT committee as process manager and Kindergarten representative.  I am National Board Certified. 

In my personal life, I come from a large family and love spending time with my family. I have a nephew and two nieces. They are the joy of my life! I like to read, work on genealogy and travel.I love going on cruises! I am also an elected council woman on the Cajah Mt. Town Council. Please contact me if you need my help in any way.