
    Reading is important!
  • I can not express just how important it is for you to read with your child. Reading to a child has been found by research to be the single most important thing parents can to do to influence their child's success in learning to read.
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    Tips for getting the most out of reading to your child:

    1.Make sure to find a comfortable spot and a time when you have no other distractions.
    2.Before reading take a"picture walk" through the book and see if your child can predict what the book is going to be about.
    3. Point out the cover of the book and the back of the book and show your child were the title is and what the title of the book is.
    4. While reading make sure the child can see the pictures and the text.
    5. After reading discuss the book with your child and ask a few simple questions about the book.
    6. Let your child practice "retelling" what happened in the story to you.
    7. Reread books over and over this is beneficial to your child.