

Degrees and Certifications:

I graduated in 2019 with a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Appalachian State University (Go Neers!).

Mrs. Davis

Hi there and welcome to my webpage for Caldwell County Schools! I am a graduate of Appalachian State University and am so excited that I am here at Lower Creek! 

I love to be outdoors and explore nature (except those creepy crawley aspects of nature); hiking and gardening are two of my favorite things to do (although, no one told me until recently that I did not get my mom's green thumb). I am an avid reader and I would love to write or read books all day long. It brings me so much joy! I followed my dad's footsteps into the education field and am trying my hardest to fill his giant shoes! 

Being a part of your child's story while they are here at Lower Creek is one of my truest joys, because I believe that everyone has the potential to learn and to be successful. I have a passion for helping people to ignite that passion and fire within themselves and I hope that I am able to teach children to love learning and see it as a gift, rather than a boring chore they have to check off a list Monday through Friday 36 weeks a year, for at least 18 years of their lives. I want to inspire people to take their learning into their own hands and make it unique to them, that is what learning should look like, and take that unique learning and turn it into things they enjoy!

I am excited about being in second grade. I think we will have a blast this year! Thank you for entrusting your child with me!