

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Elementary Education, Master's Instructional Technology

Mrs. Rebecca Tester

This is my ninth year teaching. I began my career teaching first and second grade at Kings Creek School. After achieving my Masters in Instructional Technology, I took on the role of Digital Learning and Media Specialist at Gamewell Elementary.

"“But all the magic I have known I’ve had to make myself.” ~Shel Silverstein----I have always enjoyed reading Silverstein to my students. I love this quote because it helps remind us that life is what we make it.

I consider myself a lifelong learner and it's my hope that students catch onto my enthusiasm for learning and find themselves exploring and learning about the world through all kinds of different media, both print and digitally.

The Lenoir Branch of the Caldwell Public Library is a great place to visit and I encourage my students to go.

I enjoy being with my family, playing video games, and of course reading.