

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Yount

I graduated from ASU with my Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education in 2011. I taught 4th grade for 10 years. This is my second year teaching 1st grade. I am blessed with a wonderful first grade team at Gamewell Elementary School. I am excited to see what all this year holds for my class.

~Student says "This is too hard"...
~Mrs. Yount "No... (knocking on the top of the desk). This is hard... (and then pointing to the assignment) This is challenging. Now, let's work together and grow your brain!"

Students often struggle with facing new, difficult tasks. I like to teach different multiple-meaning words. I like helping students think differently and approach life with a mentality that a challenge is something to be overcome in time. LIfe will throw us different types of challenges, and how we approach them can help make all the difference.

From the age of 8, I wanted to be a teacher. My dream to be a teacher was influenced by many wonderful teachers I had in elementary school. I have grown to be passionate about making learning engaging and meaningful. I strive to find the good in all students and help them improve life skills for their futures. I give students grace while keeping them accountable. I am not just a teacher, but a motivator, mentor, and role model. This may be a job for some, but to me, it is my calling.

Caldwell County Public Library is one of my favorite places because of the wonderful childhood memories I have there.

I enjoy raising my baby goats, playing volleyball, playing the piano, telling jokes, and camping.