• I want to work with you to help your child be successful at school and life.  Please don't hesitate to contact me via dojo or email if you have any questions or concerns.  

  • Grades

    PowerSchool is the tool used by the county for grades.  Please regularly check PowerSchool to stay up to date on your child's school progress. I will have grades updated by Monday for assignments due the week before.  Late work may take longer to be updated. Please click here for help getting PowerSchool set up. There is an app you can download on your phone to easily access your student's grades. Your child also has access to view PowerSchool. Missing work will be entered at half credit and flagged as missing.  Late work is accepted within a reasonable timeframe.  If you have a question about your child's grade please contact me on dojo or by email


  • Homework/Make-up Work

    Students will be given adequate time in class to complete required work. Students will have to finish classwork at home if they do not use class time effectively. Absent students are required to make-up missed classwork at home.  Students absent during a quiz or test will take it the next day during class and then complete classwork missed at home. 

  • Math and Science Notebooks

    Each student is required to have a 1-inch 3 ring binder to use in both math and science. Notebooks will be left at school unless a parent asks for it to be sent home.