Ball, Melissa
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Part of my family's mission statement is to seek fun experiences together that educate us and strengthen our bond, so I am always on the look out for fun educational experiences. Below are some links to places nearby to visit or games* to play with your family, so you can enjoy some science together as a family. If you have things you have done with your family that are missing from this list, please email me with your ideas.
*Please note the game links will take you to amazon. I make no profit from any purchases. These games can be bought from other retailers as well, but this is just to show you the game, description and reviews from others.
Reed Gold Mine
Tour the gold mine, walk the trails, and visit the museum all for free. There is a charge if you want to pan for gold.
North Carolina State Parks
We live in a beautiful state that has FREE state parks. Take a hike with your family and notice the plant and animal life. You can get a state park passport and get stamps at the parks you visit.
Carolina Thread Trails
There are a number of trails in Cabarrus county you can hike. It is refreshing to enjoy nature. In 6th grade we learn about what plants need to surive as well as how the parts of an ecosytem all work together. See if you can notice adaptations plants have in order to survive.
Rock Collection
Start a family rock collection. Use this site to help you identify what type of rock you found.
Take care of a house plant
It is fun to watch plants grow. You don't need to have a backyard. This article give you tips on how to care for house plants.