• Map Building

    Posted by Sandy Ku on 10/1/2019

    Second graders came to the Makerspace and worked in small groups to design and draw a map of new playground for our school. Then they came back to build a model of their playground using the map they drew. Students had to read their map correctly in order to build it correctly. They used straws, popsicle sticks, cotton balls, and other materials to build their playground.

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By Month

  • Animal Research

    Posted by Sandy Ku on 1/3/2020

    Second graders worked individually to research, plan, and write their All About nonfiction chapter books. Then they came to the Makerspace for a final project. They applied their knowledge to  build and create their research animal using Makerspace materials. 

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By Month

  • Holidays Around the World

    Posted by Sandy Ku on 12/18/2019

    Students came in to learn about different holidays around the world. They worked to build holiday symbols like aChristmas tree, kinara, and a menorah.

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By Month

  • Solar Ovens

    Posted by Sandy Ku on 1/15/2020

    Students learned about weather in their classrooms. When they came to the media center they discussed different ways the sun can help people and animals. We discussed how solar energy is being used around the world. Students worked in small groups to design and build solar ovens to understand solar energy. Once they made their solar ovens, we discussed different ways they can test their solar ovens and how to problem solve future issues.

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By Month

Last Modified on February 10, 2023