• Super 3 Research Model 


    At Coltrane-Webb we use The Super 3 as a research model. The Super 3 is a three-part process research model used to solve an information problem. This model is adapted from the research model called the Big6, which was designed by Michael Eisenberg and Laura Eisenberg Robinson. More information can be found at www.big6.com


    Outline of The Super3:


    1. Plan- When students get an assignment or a task, BEFORE they start they should think:             
    • What am I supposed to do?
    • What will it look like if I do a really good job?
    • What do I need to make to show what I learned?
    • What do I need to find out about to do a good job?


    1. Do- In the middle, the students DO the activity. This is where they read, view, tell, make a picture, etc.                
    • How can I do the job?
    • What can I use to find out what I need?
    • Now I need to make something that will help me solve a problem or explain what I have learned. 


    1.  Review- Before finishing the product and turning it in, students should stop and think....Is this done?         
    • Is my job done?
    • Did I do what I was supposed to do?
    • Do I feel good about my product?
    • Should I change or add anything before I turn it in? 


Last Modified on October 24, 2019