Dew, Eileen
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Weekly Spelling Words
Week of 05/29 -er and o making /u/ sound - LAST Letterland Unit
Week of 05/22 -ir and -ur
Week of 05/15 /or/ spellings -ore, -oor, -our
Week of 05/09 Arthur Ar /ar/ and Orville Or /or/
Week of 05/01 2 sounds of suffix -ed ending (/d/ and /t/)
Week of 04/24 2 sounds of suffix -ed ending (/d/ and /id/)
Week of 04/17 Ending -y making long e sound
Week of 03/28 and 04/03 Unit 25 The sound of ue, ui, and ew
Week of 03/20 Unit 24 Other spellings for long o: -old and long i: -ild, -ind
Week of 03/13 Unit 23 Long Vowel Team -ie and -igh spelling
Week of 03/06 Unit 22 Long Vowel Teams -oa and -ow
Week of 02/27 Unit 21 Long Vowel Teams -ai and -ay
Week of 02/21 Unit 20 Vowels walking -ea
Week of 02/13 Unit 19 Silent Magic e with Vowel Man Mr. E and vowels walking -ee
Week of 02/06 Unit 18 Silent Magic e with Vowel Man Mr. U and -ce, -ge
Week of 01/30 Unit 17 Silent Magic e with Vowel Man Mr. I and Mr. O : i_e and o_e
Week of 01/24 Unit 16 Silent Magic e with Vowel Man Mr. A : a_e
Week of 01/17 - Unit 15 digraph -ng , ending -nk, and suffix ending -ing.
Week of 01/09- Unit 14 ending blends -nd, -nt, -sk, -st
Week of 12/12 - Unit 13 r blends
Week of 12/05 - Unit 12 l blends
Week of 11/28 - Unit 11 s blends
Week of 11/14 - Unit 10 Best Friends at the end -ff, -ll, -ss
Week of 10/31 - Unit 9 Giant /all/ and review of short /a/, /i/, and /e/
Week of 10/24 - Unit 8 Vowel Men Mr. E, Mr. I, Mr. O and Y saying i
Week of 10/17 - Unit 7 Vowel Review /qu/ /ch/
Week of 10/10 - Unit 6 -un, -ut, -ug
Week of 10/03 - Unit 5 -en, -et, ell, /wh/
Week of 09/27- Unit 4: -op, -ot, -ock, /sh/
Week of 09/19 - Unit 3: -ix, -in, -ick, /th/
Week of 09/12 - Unit 2: -am, -an, -ack
Week of 08/29 and 09/06 - Unit 1: -ad, -ap, -at