•  Mrs. Miller's Class Schedule

    7:45-8:15am- Arrival/Morning Work

    8:15-8:20am- Morning Broadcast

    8:20-8:35am- Morning Meeting

    8:35-10:00am- ELA/Social Studies

    10:00-10:50am- ENCORE

    10:55-11:30am- ELA/Social Studies cont.

    11:30-12:00pm- Science

    12:05-12:25- Lunch

    12:30- 1:50- Math

    1:50- 2:20pm- Enrichment/Intervention

    2:20- 2:50pm-Recess

    2:55-3:15pm-Pack Up/Dismissal


    Encore Schedule:

    Students in our class will be split into small groups and join other classes for ENCORE.  


    Recess Schedule:

    Day 1-Basketball Court

    Day 2-Access Road Games

    Day 3- Yellow Playground

    Day 4- Bus Lot Games

    Day 5- Teal Playground

    Day 6- Field