CCS Multi-Tiered System of Support
North Carolina is implementing an MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) framework that promotes school improvement through academic and behavioral practices to ensure growth and success for all students.
In Cabarrus County Schools, we believe that all children are able to grow and learn in classrooms that foster understanding and provide effective instruction tailored to meet the needs of each learner. Our mission is to improve schools through a systematic, datadriven, problem-solving approach.
The use of a multi-tiered framework for academics and behavior helps to foster student engagement, positive social interactions, and academic achievement for all students. Effective implementation of MTSS requires school staff to review and analyze available sources of data to support increased student performance and school success. Your child may receive the following screenings as well as a review of their academic and
behavioral progress:- report cards/transcripts
- classroom observations
- behavioral screenings
- health screenings (vision, motor,
- review of records hearing, speech/language)
- student conferences
- parent/guardian conference
- attendance
- office discipline referrals (ODRs)
- End-of-Grade/Course Scores
- Discovery Education
Your knowledge of your child’s strengths and needs is so important to us, therefore your continued collaboration and support is essential to his/her success.
Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.