Welcome to Construction Management

Welcome to the Construction Department


    Executive Director of Construction
    Tim Lowder
    (704) 260-5673
    Tim Lowder
    Director of Architecture, Planning and Construction
    Brian Cone
    (704) 260-5654
    Brian Cone
    GIS Analyst | Demographics Specialist
    Frances Layne
    (704) 260-5658
    Contact Frances

    Frances Layne

    Construction Project Manager
     Harold Hahn
     (704) 791-8597
    Harold Hahn
    Construction Permit Coordinator
    Dottie Bramhall
    (704) 260-5661

    Dottie Bramhall



    Construction Weekly Update:June 9, 2023




Current Projects

Map of Construction Department Location on CCS Campus

Map of Construction Department Location
Last Modified on June 12, 2023