Retail Store Links

  • Please support your children and your school!
    1. Start using it's Amazon, but the Amazon Foundation will direct 0.5% of purcahses to HiRMS (Go into 'Your Account' and designate Hickory Ridge Middle Schhol PTO).
    2. Direct no-cost retailer refunds/donations by linking your Accounts/Rewards Card(s) to HiRMS. Log on to your accounts or simply tell the cashier to link your accounts to HiRMS.
    •     Lowe's Foods -       Link Cart to Class for HiRMS
    •     Food Lion MVP -     HiRMS # 219181
    •     Harris Teeter VIC - HiRMS # 8352
    •     Publix -                 Link Online

Retail Store Individual Sign Up

    In order to re-link your Food Lion MVP and Harris Teeter VIC cards to Hickory Ridge Middle School, download the form here, complete and return it to your child's teacher. It's an easy way to earn money for our school!
Last Modified on August 23, 2018