Phone: (704) 260-6150


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Music Education(K-12)-Univ. Central Florida B.A. Music Performance- Univ. Central Florida M.A. Music Performance- Univ. Florida N.C. Teacher Certification License 2018-2023

Mr. Michael Rowe

*If you want to check out my online lessons/videos or are in quarantine, click➡️HERE
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year~ This year marks my 31st year overall as a music teacher.  I am teaching full time @ Hickory Ridge Elementary this year (a first for me in 20 years!) I do a program called STAR Lab which stands for science, technology, arts (music!) and reading. I have always taught music this way, so it is a perfect fit for me.  I have a cart that I wheel around to the classes, and yes, I usually get my steps in every day I am teaching!
I taught my first year in Gainesville, FL (Go Gators!) @ the middle school level as chorus and keyboard teacher, then moved to Charlotte and taught for Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools for 10 years.  I am very excited to be back as the STAR Lab teacher for my third year.
If you need to reach me, the best way is to send me an email @: 
A few things about me: I have been married to my wife (and fellow musician) Terese for 25+ years and we have a son named Jesse (age 16) who is currently in 11th grade @ Corvian HS. He is involved in theater and last year did the roles of Warner Huntington III in Legally Blonde and The Tinman in The Wizard of Oz.  We have 2 cats- a brother and sister named Jack and Eevee. They are Gray Mackerel Tabbies.  I love to run and have competed in 83 official races to date (although Covid19 had cut way down on this activity..)  I also have recently grown to love road cycling (see my pic to the left) and have done 3 biathlons.  I love to fix things- especially older things.  I have many tools and I use most of them during projects.  We live in an actual log cabin built in 1947, so I get to fix things all the time.. I sing professionally for a church in Charlotte as my 2nd job where my wife is music director, and most of my singing is done in Latin!



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Last Modified on June 23, 2023