Welcome to Kindergarten!



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jana Hileman

I am so excited to welcome your child and family to kindergarten! This will be my 12th year teaching kindergarten. Teaching kindergarteners is my passion. I love all the things that come with teaching kindergartners. One of the most amazing things about this grade is that the children grow SO MUCH from the start of the year to the end. I love watching them become more independent and confident. I love watching their interests grow in specific areas and see their personalities shine. I honestly love teaching all subjects, but enjoy teaching reading the most.  I cannot wait to begin this journey with you and your child. I am honored to be your child's teacher.
Here are just a few things about me.  I am a big DIY'er.  I love finding used items, fixing them up, and making them my own. I love to decorate my home and make it a welcoming place! When I'm not teaching kindergarten, I teach water aerobics. I love spending time ourtside on my front porch. I have two boys that are 12 and 14 years old.  I also have a crazy little dog named Maisy Mae.  She is a quirky little girl that gets into the trash and loves eating plastic bags!
I am looking forward to a great year with you and your student.  I will also use ClassDojo to post pictures and videos of our class at work so you can see how much fun your child is having in school. I will send reminders and updates through ClassDojo as well.  You are welcome to call me at school but please understand I will not be available to talk during the school day unless it is an emergency.  

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Last Modified on August 3, 2022