Mrs. Capossere's Home Page

  • All assignments will be posted here and in schooltool, but running grade point average assignment grades will be available on schooltool.


    There are several attributes that you will see in schooltool, which are consistent across the high school. They are as follows: 


    • AB (Absent): student needs to submit work​
    • EX (Excused): student is excused from this assignment​​
    • S (Submitted): student turned in this assignment; not yet graded​
    • NS (Not submitted): student needs to submit this assignment​
    • L (Late): Assignment was turned in late
    • RM (Revisions made): student made revisions to graded assignment​

    I hope this helps!



    Class Materials: for all classes: 3-ring binder for English only, loose leaf paper, dividers and pens.



    Contact Information: Please feel free to contact me through email:  You can also reach me by phone at 242-5050 ext. 1014


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