BHS Health
Welcome to HEALTH!
Instructors: Mrs. Erin Dwyer and Mr. John Feltes
Classroom: 150 – ground floor across from fitness center.
Email: and
Office: Phys. Ed. Office – lower floor next to pool hall.
Office Hours: Drop day of period you have class. Schedule if needed.
Course Description from Program of Study:
Required for Graduation. This half-year course examines topics that affect the health status of teens. The course uses the concepts used in the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens to help focus on what students can do to be more proactive. Six skill areas (communication, decision-making, planning and goal setting, self-management, stress management and advocacy) are included within the content areas of alcohol and other drug use and abuse, sexuality, as well as the American Red Cross CPR and AED units.
There is a term project required from every student. This is a community service project consisting of a minimum of 25 hours in which students seek out an agency locally or nationally to serve. This community service must occur during the semester in which the course is completed or during the summer before their sophomore year. The summer volunteer experience will also include 25 hours. Before the start of a students project a contract is required, the contract ensures that all parties involved understand the project and placement; parents, agency supervisor, student and teacher. The project will count as the final exam grade for the course.
Course Outline:
- Units
o Community Service- semester long project
o Digital Citizenship
o Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens
o Alcohol and Drugs other than Alcohol
o CPR/AED –NO FOOD in the room during this unit
o Mental Health
o Nutrition
o Sexuality
- Username and password is the same as student login for office 365.
- This will be our course website, online quiz system, homework submission area. Pretty much the whole course.
- Schoology will be where grades are stored and can be access by students. At the 5 week and end of the marking period, students average will be put in to School tool.
- **If you would like access to your child’s account for Schoology, please let me know and I will give you an access code. The link below will give you instructions.
Academic honesty:
Academic honesty is a fundamental principle for all educational institutions. It means
that you assume responsibility for your own work at all times and your individual
contribution to group work as assigned by your teacher. The pressures of deadlines; of
several major assignments due on the same day; of juggling school work extracurricular
activities and jobs; and of just needing to succeed may produce stress from time to time.
Academic honesty is about facing those pressures, which is a lifelong task, without losing
integrity. What you do represents who you are. If you are honest, you are a person
worthy of trust. The work you hand in represents you to your teachers and classmates,
the results of your thought, time and effort. You have the satisfaction of knowing that
you have earned the credit you receive. In a real sense, you are responsible for your own
future. It is important for you to act in an ethically responsible manner. Thus, you will
develop pride in your work, respect for other’s work, and bring honor to yourself and to
your school. At the conclusion of a Regents exam and/or local midterm, final, unit test or
course exam/quiz, students agree to the following, whether they sign a statement or not:
“I do hereby affirm, at the close of this examination, that I had no unlawful knowledge of
the questions or answers prior to the examination and that I have neither given nor
received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination.”