Middle school is a great time to start learning about your future college and career options!
Explore these resources below to start thinking about your future!
College Bound Scholarship: Income elligible students in 7th and 8th grade qualify for the College BoundScholarship which provides money for Washington graduates to attend a state college or university after high school. Elligible students receive a contract form to sign at student conferences in the Fall and Spring. Students must sign their contract before the end of their 8th grade year in order to lock-in the scholarship.
Career Inventory: Enter your personal interests and skills and discover possible careers that match your personality!
Washington Specific:
Ready, Set, Grad: http://readysetgrad.org/
Check out a College: http://checkoutacollege.com/
Washington Council: http://www.washingtoncouncil.org/
Independent Colleges of Washington: http://www.icwashington.org/National:
Peterson's College Bound: http://www.petersons.com/college-search.aspx
College Board: www.collegeboard.org
NCAA: http://web1.ncaa.org/ECWR2/NCAA_EMS/NCAA.jsp
Princeton Review - College Majors: http://www.princetonreview.com/colleges-majors.aspx
Princeton Review - College Rankings: http://www.princetonreview.com/college-rankings.aspx
US News Rankings: http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings