• Welcome to Mountain View Middle School!

    Home of the Squires

  • Our Mission:  Together we are building the knowledge, skills, and freedom to make a change, take a chance, make connections and be productive members of society.


    Our Vision:  MVMS embraces all students and strives to advocate for their academic, cultural, and emotional needs. We will strive to model equity within the workings of our own team and expect others to do likewise. We will continually engage the unique cultural contributions each student brings to the learning process. Students will leave MVMS and beyond with the ability to think critically and engage with rigorous content. They know that they have been held to the highest expectations with their academic performance and behavior. MVMS students will develop confidence and compassion to become a positive member to their community.



School Information

Main Office Staff

Counseling Office Staff


    Dean Wagner - 6th grade

    Kasia Roque - 7th grade

    Karla Polillo - 8th grade





    Counseling Secretary

    MIchelle Amidon