• Code of Conduct and VADIR Reporting

    Expectations for student conduct and penalties for transgressions are outlined in the Board of Education’s Code of Conduct. Depending upon the offense, violations may result in warnings, parent contacts, in-school suspensions, short-term out of school suspensions, and Superintendent’s Disciplinary Hearings that may result in long-term out of school suspensions.

    Student athletes and members of other extra-curricular activities must agree to additional stipulations about their personal conduct and avoidance of tobacco, alcohol, and drug use as a condition of eligibility for participation. Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in extra-curricular suspensions as well. Classified special education students are held to the same Code of Conduct, but their actions are reviewed and dealt with in accordance with their disabilities.

    The Southampton Public Schools maintains the Violent and Disruptive Incident Report (VADIR) system that is required for all NYS schools. The VADIR system classifies and records all incidents that impact student safety and security. The VADIR Report is available upon request.

    Student discipline and legal consequences are separate issues that proceed independently of each other. Whenever a student is the victim of a crime, assault, or other violation on school property, school-based investigations will begin and school-based penalties will be administered where indicated. The school district will report serious matters directly to the police, but will also always advise parents that they may pursue legal charges on their own.