Music Boosters
TL's Music Boosters are family members, teachers, students, and music enthusiasts who support musical activities at Terra Linda High School. Please join Music Boosters or One TL and pledge your support in any of the following ways:
- help host a concert reception
- assist with transportation and/or instruments for events away from school
- represent Music Boosters at one or more OneTL meetings
- visit the new music room and listen to the musicians as they practice
Meetings are announced throughout the school year. Please contact the Music Booster Chairperson for more information
Daniel Thomson has been the director of music at Terra Linda since 2010. Mr. Thomson grew up in Huntington Beach California and started playing piano at the age of 8. He learned to play saxophone and trumpet through middle school and high school and then obtained his Bachelors in Music Education from University of California Los Angeles. After graduating, he became the instrumental band director for both middle and high schools in Southern California. By 2010, Mr. Thomson found himself in Marin and has been the director of music at Terra Linda ever since. He teaches Beginning Piano, Choir, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, Orchestra, and occasionally guitar. He also conducts the annual musical and Terra Linda is the proud host of the California Music Educators’ Association (CMEA) Bay Section Festival each March.