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Scholarship Foundation

TLSF Applications for the class of 2023!

Seniors must have a 2.0 GPA or higher and be in good standing to apply.

Directions - English and Spanish

List of Scholarships

Link to Application


Questions? Contact

The Terra Linda Scholarship Foundation was established in January 1975 as a non-profit corporation for the purpose of granting awards to Terra Linda High School graduating seniors who are continuing their education. Awards are made on the basis of goals, accomplishments and school involvement without regard to race, creed or sex. Any student who has a "C" average or higher and who plans to continue his or her education or training may apply.

Scholarship Recipients

The Terra Linda Scholarship Foundation awarded $35,000 in scholarships to students in the Class of 2022.  These scholarships help deserving students fund their first year in college.

Check out this heartfelt thank you video made by this year’s Erik Stenberg AVID scholarship recipients.

Members of the Terra Linda Scholarship Foundation (TLSF) consist of parents of students at Terra Linda High School, and other interested adults who have had a connection to the high school and want to support TLHS and its students. This year, our goal is to increase donor outreach and awareness of our foundation.  Meetings will be held approximately once a month via Zoom.

Please contact us if you are interested in becoming part of our group or if you would like to start a scholarship for our wonderful students.

We want to express our sincere thanks to the compassionate individuals and businesses in our community who contributed to the scholarship fund.

TLSF can be reached at or PO Box 6304, San Rafael CA 94903.

THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS! Because of your generous contributions, we were able to fund 35 Scholarships to graduating seniors worth $1000 each!

Photos by Lori Lewis & Karson Franjieh.

We are grateful to everyone who contributed to TLSF, including Renee and Barry Adelmann, owners and founders of Bay Area Modern Real Estate, Class of 1969, OneTL, Albers family, Lauchenauer and Egan families, TLHS teacher Patricia O’Brien, Marin County Superintendent of Schools Mary Jane Burke, First Up Foundation, Bender family, John and Harriett Michael family, Erik Stenberg family, family and friends of Steve Kostecki and Bret Baumgarten family.  If you would like to help fund or start a scholarship for TLHS graduating seniors, please contact us at


Alumni: Consider Donating a Scholarship To TLHS Seniors

We offer many different scholarships from individuals, Class of XX, in memory of.  See our current list of awards for more information.  

 For more information on how you can donate or can contribute to a current scholarship, contact:   

 Thank you for your support in our efforts to make a better tomorrow for all students at TLHS!

Contact Us 

Co-Presidents: Kalynn Franjieh and Emy Bagtas