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Class of 2024

Welcome, rising seniors! Please review our summer letter for seniors for more information about what you can be doing over the summer to prepare for college application in the fall. 

Counselors will host a variety of events throughout the fall to support seniors and families through the college application process. See our EVENTS & DEADLINES for SENIORS list below for more information. Stay tuned to the CCC website for more information about upcoming college visits, and review our college selection and application resources below. Seniors are encouraged to utilize California Colleges to research colleges and build a college list (see links below). Reach out to the CCC or your counselor if you have questions!

IMPORTANT NOTE - California Colleges: Seniors can use their California Colleges accounts to launch pre-populated applications for CSU, UC, FAFSA and the California Dream Act. This will streamline the application process for these systems significantly, allowing verified data to be transferred from our database directly to each application. California Colleges is also an excellent platform to help you explore potential colleges, majors, and careers! Check out these videos to get started:

Senior Conferences: Counselors will meet individually with each senior in the fall to review graduation status and post-secondary plans. Students who apply to private & out-of-State public schools and need letters of recommendation, should review the Counselor Recommendation Request form, linked below (it contains the Autobiographical Sketch). 


College Application Guide for Seniors: English & Spanish 

Counselor recommendation request form (autobiographical sketch link included) for private & out-of-State public (not UC/CSU)

Common App Overview

California Colleges: college/career search tool   How to log in  

TL Alumni Panel from April, 2022

Tips: Building your college list

Is applying early right for you? 

College Information on the TL website



  • Sep TBD  Senior Guidance: graduation and college application (Govt/Econ classes)
  • Sep/Oct  Individual Senior Conferences
  • Oct TBD  College Night for seniors and parents ENGLISH: 6pm  ZOOM
  • Oct TBD  College Night for seniors and parents SPANISH: 6:30pm ZOOM
  • Ongoing College application workshops in the CCC (through November)
  • Nov 30  Deadline to apply to UC 
  • Nov 30  Deadline to apply to CSU
  • Dec 2  Last day for students to request letters of rec from School Counselors
  • JAN TBD Financial Aid Night for seniors and parents: 6pm at TLHS
  • March 2  DEADLINE to file FAFSA / CA Dream Act (everyone should apply)
  • May 1  College decision day!
  • June  Seniors submit request for final transcripts: sent to the college they will be attending