CSF: California Scholarship Federation
CSF Application: Sophomores, juniors, and seniors, it’s time to apply for CSF based on your grades in the fall of 2022! Return your application to Mrs. Frack in room 201 by January 27, 2023. You will be notified on your school email or by a letter when your application has been verified and accepted or not accepted.
Per California Scholarship Federation bylaws, students apply approximately four weeks after the completion of finalized semester grades.
Exception to the rule: Seniors do not have to submit final spring semester applications. The CSF advisors check end-of-the-year standing.
CSF: The California Scholarship Federation, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to recognize and encourage academic achievement and community service among middle and high school students in California. CSF was established in 1921. There are approximately 1500 chapters in middle school and high schools throughout the state, and each chapter is comprised of student members who meet eligibility requirements. Each chapter is led by a staff adviser. Eligible students become members by submitting applications based on their report card grades. Membership is for one semester, and membership drives are held each semester within established periods dictated by the State bylaws.
Terra Linda High School Chapter: 714 Central Coast
Advisor: Sara Frack, Science teacher
Life members and 100% life members receive:
- CSF gold seal on their diploma
Notation on their transcript ‘CSF Sealbearer’
- Honors cord and CSF lamp pin to wear at graduation
- Scholarship opportunities
- Ability to list CSF status on their college applications under ‘awards’
The requirements for Life Member (also called “Sealbearer”) status are the CSF lamp pin and the gold seal on the diploma; Sealbearer status must also be recorded on the student’s transcript. All other awards are optional. The chapter may provide other awards and may also distinguish between active and inactive membership in the granting of other awards..
Since the organization’s inception, over 1500 CSF chapters have been approved. Today’s chapters continue to foster the recognition, motivation, and education of academically talented students. Chapter memberships promote the CSF ideal of service to their communities.
At TLHS, CSF members are expected to complete a minimum of 5 hours of volunteering around campus. Members should turn in the CSF Volunteer Hours form, signed by the supervisor, at the end of each semester. Review this video for more information about how students can get their volunteer hours.
Students who complete volunteer hours in the community can complete the TLHS Volunteer Hours form and turn it in to Mrs. Frack in room 201. The three seniors with the most volunteer hours during their four years of high school will be recognized at Senior Awards Night.