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COMITÉ selac

Líder: Sonia Pineda

Líder: Nubia Barajas

Líder: Milton de León & María Pérez

Representante DELAC: Cristina García

Enlace Comunitaria (español/inglés): Candelaria Fariña

La participaciĂłn de los padres es indispensable

Durante décadas las investigaciones han demostrado que la participación de los padres ayuda a que los alumnos obtengan:

  • Mejor rendimiento escolar
  • Mejores calificaciones
  • Mejor asistencia
  • Mejor comportamiento y autoestima
  • Disminución de la conducta destructiva

¡Participe en la educación de sus hijos!





Comité asesor de low padres de estudianted de inglés = School English Learner Advisory Committee (SELAC)

Comité Asesor de Padres (ELAC)

Comité de padres, personal docente, y miembros de la comunidad responsable de dar recomendaciones a la administración escolar sobre servicios y programas para los aprendices del inglés.


Cada escuela pública en California, del kindergarten al grado 12, con 21 o más aprendices del inglés debe de formar un Comité Asesor de Padres de Alumnos Aprendices del Inglés.


  1. El ELAC debe de ser responsable de aconsejar al director y al personal docente sobre los servicios y programas para los alumnos aprendices del inglés y al Concilio Escolar en el desarrollo del Plan Escolar (SPSA).
  2. El ELAC debe de asistir a la escuela en el desarrollo de:
  1. La encuesta sobre las necesidades de la escuela.
  2. La administración del censo anual de idiomas.
  3. Las maneras de cómo la escuela puede comunicar a los padres la importancia de la  asistencia  de sus hijos a la escuela.

Requisitos de Composición

  1. En el comité, padres de alumnos aprendices del inglés deben de formar por lo menos el mismo porcentaje en el ELAC que sus hijos representan en la población de estudiantes de la escuela. Por ejemplo, si 25 porciento de los estudiantes en una escuela son aprendices del inglés, entonces los padres o tutores de los aprendices del inglés deben de formar no menos del  25 porciento de la membrecía del comité.
  2. Otros miembros del ELAC pueden ser padres o tutores, personal docente de la escuela,, y/o miembros de la comunidad, ya que se mantenga el requisito del porcentaje mínimo de padres de aprendices del inglés.


  1. Todos los padres de alumnos aprendices del inglés deben de tener la oportunidad de elegir  a los miembros del comité asesor de la escuela o subcomité.
  2. Cada comité ELAC debe tener la oportunidad de elegir por lo menos a un miembro representante al Comité Asesor del Distrito de Padres de Aprendices del Inglés (DELAC).
  3. Los distritos con 31 o más comités ELAC pueden usar un sistema de representación proporcional o regional.


El distrito debe proveer para todos los miembros del comité ELAC:

  1. Capacitación apropiada y materiales para ayudar a cada miembro a cumplir con sus responsabilidades legales.
  2. La capacitación debe planearse siempre con plena consulta de los miembros del comité ELAC.
  3.  Los fondos para programas basado en la identificacion de familias de bajos recursos/de dominio limitado en ingles (EIA-LEP) y/o los fondos generales del distrito pueden utilizarse para cubrir los gastos de capacitación y asistencia de los miembros del ELAC. Esto puede incluir gastos asociados con el cuidado de niños, servicios de traducción, transportación, comidas,  y otros gastos razonables.

Referencias Legales

  1. Código Educativo, seccións 35147 (c), 52176 (b) and (c), 62002.5, and 64001 (a).

  2. Título 5, California Código de Reglamentos, sección 11308 (b) and (d)


    English Learner Advisory Committee

    A committee comprised of parents, staff, and community members specifically designated to advise school officials on English Learner program services.

    In English


    Each California public school, grades kindergarten through 12, with 21 or more English learners must form an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).


  1. The ELAC shall be responsible for advising the principal and staff on programs and services for English learners and the School Site Council on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
  2. The ELAC shall assist the school in the development of:
  1. The school's needs assessment.
  2. The school's annual language census.
  3. Ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.

Composition Requirements

Requirements for ELAC elections include:

  1. Parents of English learners comprise at least the same percentage of the ELAC membership as English learners constitute of the school’s total student population. For example, if 25 percent of the students in a school are English learners, then parents/guardians of English learners must comprise 25 percent of the ELAC membership.
  2. Other members of the ELAC can be parents/guardians, school staff, and /or community members as long as the minimum percentage requirement for EL parents is maintained.  


  1. Parents or guardians of English learners must have an opportunity to elect the parent members to serve on the ELAC or subcommittee.
  2. Each ELAC shall have the opportunity to elect at least one member to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).
  3.  Districts with 31 or more ELACs may use a system of proportional or regional representation.


The district shall provide for all ELAC members:

  1.  Appropriate training and materials to assist each member carry out his or her legally required advisory responsibilities.
  2. Training planned in full consultation with ELAC members.
  3. Economic Impact Aid-Limited English Proficient and/or district funds may be used to cover costs of training and attendance of ELAC members. This may include costs for child care, translation services, meals, transportation, training cost, and other reasonable expenses.

Legal References

  1. California Education Code, sections 35147 (c), 52176 (b), and (c), 62002.5, and 64001 (a)

  2. California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 11308 (b), (c), and (d)

rEuniones selac 2016-17 en Terra Linda High school 

5:30 en la biblioteca


Martes, 20 de septiembre

Martes, 25 de octubre 

(Capacitación AERIES)

Martes, 15 de noviembre

(Dra. Marisol)

Martes, 13 de diciembre

(Capacitación AERIES)

Martes, 24 de enero

Martes, 28 de marzo

Martes, 23 de mayo:




Si tiene preguntas, por favor comuníquese con la Enlace Comunitaria de Terra Linda, Candelaria, 415 492 3287 x 3164;  


REUNIONES DELAC en davidson middle school

El Comité Asesor del Distrito Escolar para los Estudiantes del Idioma Inglés (DELAC), está formado por representantes de los ELACs de las escuelas participantes y el personal de dichas escuelas y del distrito. El comité se reunirá en la biblioteca de la Escuela Intermedia Davidson (280 Woodland Ave San Rafael CA 94901 - 415 485 2476), de 6:00 a 7:30 pm, en las siguientes fechas:

2016-2017 DELAC Calendar

Davidson MS Library

6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

September 20, 2016

October 11, 2016

November 1, 2016

November 29, 2016

January 10, 2017

February 7, 2017

March 7, 2017

April 4, 2017

May 2, 2017

June 6, 2017

Si tiene preguntas, por favor comuníquese con la Directora de Programas para Estudiantes de Inglés, Kathy Frye, 


Meeting Minutes

SELAC prep meeting


Meeting Date:  Monday, August 29, 2016

Time:  8:30 – 9:30

Location:  Conference Room

Minutes Adopted on:  March 16, 2016


Members: Ass Principal, Sonia Pineda, Cristina García, Sara Rodas, Lilian Cruz, Roberto Cruz, Joana B. Mendez, Gabi Rivera.

Administrator: Alli Greene

Community Liaison/Interpreter: Candelaria


Debrief: These prep meetings are for the Ass Principal to receive feedback and for the EL parents to be candid about the needs and strengths of the families and the school. Especial focus is given to the low income families, low achievers, at risk youth, and students that want to pursuit a 2 year college or technical career. On the other side of the spectrum EL high achievers need to receive as much support and recognition as they deserve.


Last school year a lot was done to improve communication between the school and the EL parents. The minutes of the March 10th meeting were red. Achievements and goals were reviewed and updated as follows:


Talking Points



  1. A new Community Liaison was hired that also serves as an In-House Spanish Interpreter/Translator to address the needs of monolingual Spanish speakers. 
  2. A tab “En Español” was created on the TL page with relevant school information, community resources, and events information. Also, a number of forms as well as the Study Guide were translated into Spanish.
  3. A survey of “Parents’ Interest” was submitted to the SELAC families at the beginning of school year 2015-16. We now know the topics that parents are interested in:
  • Internships
  • Technical career
  • Certificates of accomplishments
  • Tutoring after school
  • Extracurricular activities
  • LCAP participation
  • Parenting skills
  • Mental Health Resources
  • Mentoring Programs
  • Behavior modification
  • Drugs, alcohol, sex, gangs.
  • Community building/Support groups.  Parents want to be able to support each other; they asked to share contact information.
  • It was agreed that speakers will be brought to the SELAC meetings on topics of interest to the parents in 2016-17.
  • Parents were informed that Dr. Marisol will be presenting at our SELAC on November 15th.
  • It was agreed to have presentations in Spanish about the services and programs offered inside and outside the school.
  • It was agreed to have 2 AERIES trainings in 2016-17
  • It was agreed to keep on having “Monthly Chat with the Principal” in 2016-17. Presently, parents expressed their desire to meet with the Principal once per quarter. Candelaria will follow up on this request.



  1. Parent’s participation to the SELAC meetings increased tremendously; up to 54 parents at our third meeting of last year. Presently, parents’ goal for 2016-17 is to have 50 parents in attendance at every SELAC meeting.
  2. Sonia, Cristina, Sara, Lilian and Joanna will make phone calls the night before to remind parents of their respective grade to come to the SELAC meeting.
  3. SELAC meetings will be announced in the marquee and a banner will be placed by Sonia Pineda at the front of the school on the morning of the meeting.
  4. Parents commented how welcomed to the school they feel, now that there is a bilingual/bicultural CL on campus
  5. More parents are coming forward to talk to the academic counselors since they know interpretation will be provided. It was communicated to the parents that, at all possible, counselors prefer visits by appointment
  6. Candelaria has an open door policy.


  1. Parents inquired about PSP (Parent Service Project) coming at TL to train them in leadership and engagement. PSP submitted their proposal to come to TL when feasible. In a recent meeting, Ms. Dunlap informed Candelaria that she is committed to bring PIQE to TL this year, too.
  2. In general, parents want their voices to be heard and their vote to count.
  3. Parents want the administrators to give them information on the petition from Ipso School proposing to open an independent charter school in the San Rafael High School District.  


  1. Parents wants to receive information at the SELAC mtg. on the following programs:
  • Ipso School
  • Parents were informed about Avi Fernandez going full time to SRHS, thus, TL not having a Spanish speaking staff in the CCC.
  • Parents were informed of the Librarian, John Gilluly, being at TL from 12-4 only. John will continue running the afterschool tutoring program, though.


The CL will continue reaching out to the community in search of programs that will promote parents’ engagement, leadership and inclusiveness, address family needs, and support the EL in accessing higher education.


Adjournment: 9:30 am. 

The next regular SELAC committee meeting will take place at 5:30 on September 20th, in the TL Library. 

MINUTAS  selac

Jueves, 29 de octubre, 2015

8:00 am 9:30 am

Sala de Conferencias y Biblioteca


Personal docente y administrativo presente: Sra. Dunlap, Directora; Mr. Hurst, Subdirector; Ms. Martinez, maestra ELD; Ms. Farina, Enlace Comunitario; Ms. Diaz, Auxiliar en Tecnología.

Padres presentes: 17 (Véase la lista de asistencia)


  1. El Sr. Hurst y la Sra. Dunlap dieron la bienvenida a los padres.

  2. Se llamó el Comité a sesión a las 8:00 a.m.

  3. El Sr. Hurst dio lectura a los puntos de la agenda.


  1. La Sra. Dunlap recalcó que ésta ha sido la reunión con mayor asistencia de todos los tiempos. El Sr. Hurst y la Sra. Fariña resumieron los objetivos ELAC, los deberes de todos los miembros y las funciones y responsabilidades de los oficiales. Se nominaron al presidente, vicepresidente y secretario. Los ganadores fueron: Sonia Pineda, Presidenta; Jorge Valdez, Vice-Presidente; Esperanza Hernández, Secretaria.

  2. El Sr. Hurst habló del Programa Educativo para Padres, Parent Engagement Education, ofrecido por el Instituto de Padres para una Educación de Calidad (PIQE) en Terra Linda High. El programa, que tiene una duración de nueve semanas, es gratis para los padres. Los padres que participen recibirán un certificado de finalización y van a aprender cómo crear un ambiente educativo positivo y duradero utilizando una serie de herramientas con resultados de éxito académico comprobados.

  3. La Sra. Martínez, maestra del Programa, resumió el Programa de Desarrollo del Idioma Inglés (ELD).

  4. Se llevó a los padres a la biblioteca para mostrarles cómo utilizar el portal para padres AERIES y llevar un seguimiento del progreso escolar de sus hijos.



La reunión se terminó a las 9:30 am


Thursday, October 29, 2015

8:00 am 9:30 am

Conference Room & Library


Staff and Faculty in attendance: Ms. Dunlap, Principal; Mr. Hurst, Vice Principal; Ms. Martinez, ELD Teacher; Ms. Farina, Community Liaison; Ms. Diaz, Technology Support Specialist.

Parents in Attendance: 17 (See attached list)


  1. Mr. Hurst and Ms. Dunlap welcomed the parents.

  2. Meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m.

  3. Mr. Hurst read the agenda to the parents.


  1. Ms. Dunlap remarked how this was the SELAC meeting with the most attendance ever. Mr. Hurst and Ms. Farina went over the purpose of ELAC, the duties of all members, roles and responsibilities of ELAC officers.Nominations for president, vice president and secretary were made.Our winners were:President-Sonia Pineda, Vice-President- Jorge Valdez, and Secretary- Esperanza Hernandez.

  2. Mr. Hurst spoke of the Parent Engagement Education Program offered by Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) at Terra Linda High. The program, which lasts nine weeks, is free to parents. Parents who participate receive a certificate of completion and learn how to create a positive and lasting educational environment at home using a number of proven academic success tools.

  3. Ms. Martinez, ELD teacher, review the English Language Program (ELD).

  4. Parents were taken to the library to learn how to use the parent portal on AERIES to keep track of their children’s progress in school.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:30



San Rafael City Schools



Comité Asesor De Padres De Alumnos De Inglés (SELAC)



Fecha: Jueves, 14 de enero, 2016

Hora: 5:00 - 6:00 pm

LUGAR: Biblioteca de Terra Linda HS

La reciente reunión fue un gran éxito, a pesar de la lluvia. Más de 50 padres asistieron a la reunión y aprendieron cómo acceder AERIES y todas sus herramientas para el seguimiento del progreso académico y de conducta de sus hijos, con más padres en lista de espera para otro taller de capacitación.

Después de la reunión SELAC, los padres fueron redirigidos a la biblioteca para participar en el programa PIQE. Fue maravilloso ver la biblioteca llena hasta los topes con padres ansiosos de aprender.

Gracias al señor Hurst por encargarse de la logística de la capacitación AERIES; Susan Shapiro quien ha sido una gran ayuda para los padres en la apertura de sus cuentas AERIES; Susan Gatlin y Amy Martínez por su presencia en la reunión y por responder a preguntas de los padres; Sr. John Gilluly por su ayuda con las computadoras; y Paula Nichols que proporcionó cuidado infantil para los padres que asistieron.

Lo más importante, gracias a todos los padres por venir y ayudarse unos a otros a lograr el éxito.


La próxima reunión SELAC será el jueves, 17 de marzo a las 5:00 pm


La reunión se cerró a las 6:00 pm






San Rafael City Schools



Site English Learners Advisory Committee (SELAC)



Date: Thursday, January 14, 2016

time: 5:00 - 6:00 pm

place: Terra Linda HS Library


The recent meeting was an enormous success, regardless of the rain! More than 50 parents attended and learned how to access AERIES and all its tools for tracking academic and behavioral progress, with more parents on a waiting list for another training workshop. 

After the SELAC meeting, parents were redirected to the library to participate in the PIQE program. It was wonderful to see the library full to the rim with eager parents. 

Thank you to Mr. Hurst for taking care of the logistics of the AERIES training; Susan Shapiro whom has been a great help to the parents in opening their AERIES accounts; Susan Gatlin and Amy Martinez for their presence at the meeting and for answering parents' questions; Mr. John Gilluly for his help with the computers; and Paula Nichols who provided child care for the parents who attended. 

Most importantly, thank you to all the parents for coming and helping one another to succeed.


Next SELAC meeting will be March 17, at 5:00 pm


Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm

Minutas SELAC del 24 de marzo, 2016

SELAC-minutes March 24 2016 (SPANISH).docx

SELAC MINUTES - March 24, 2016

SELAC-minutes March 24 2016.docx