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Fourth Grade


Links to Learning

RAZ Reading Practice



Reflex Math 



Everyday Math






          100 Best Chapter Books 



My name is Kristine Brand and I look forward to welcoming your fourth graders to the 2018-19 school year! During the past fourteen years that I have worked in Education, I have had the opportunity to be a classroom teacher for nearly every grade level from Kindergarten to 5th grade.  I have also had many years of working as a Title 1 Reading Teacher, where I provided targeted literacy instruction to struggling readers in small groups. I have been teaching at Bahia Vista since 2008.  I work with a group of dynamic teachers whom I enjoy collaborating with on creative and inspiring lessons for our students. It is my goal to ignite students’ curiosity and to guide them onto a path of life-long learning. I was born and raised in San Francisco and have earned all of my degrees at San Francisco State University – a Bachelor’s in Theater Arts, and a Teaching Credential and Master’s in Elementary Education. When I am not teaching, I enjoy hiking, camping, taking yoga and dance classes, traveling, learning about history and nature, and spending time with my family. 


Hello! My name is Cathy DiSanto and I am a fourth grade teacher. After many years of teaching in the primary grades, I graduated to the upper grades and I greatly enjoyed working with older students. I love history and fourth grade has an integrated curriculum based on the history of our wonderful state of California. Marin has been my home for many years. Born and raised (my early years) in San Francisco, I moved to San Rafael in 6th grade. I am a graduate of Terra Linda High School and I hold a Bachelors degree in English with a minor in Psychology from the University of California, Davis. After spending a year working as an instructional assistant at Davidson Middle School, I returned to Dominican College to earn my teaching credential. I have taught in San Rafael City Schools since 1994, beginning my career at Gallinas (now Venetia Valley). I arrived at Bahia Vista in 2012 and I immediately recognized that there is something special about Bahia Vista School! ¡Hola! Me llamo Cathy DiSanto y soy una maestra de cuarto grado.  Después de muchos años enseñando en los grados primarios, me gradué a los grados superiores de la escuela y he disfrutado grandemente trabajar con los estudiantes más grandes.  Me encanta la historia y cuarto grado tiene un plan de estudios integrado basado en la historia de nuestro maravilloso estado de California.  Marin ha sido mi hogar por muchos años.  Nacida y criada (mis primeros años) en San Francisco, me cambie a San Rafael en 6º grado.  Me gradué de la Escuela Preparatoria Terra Linda y tengo una Licenciatura en Inglés con una especialidad secundaria en Psicología de la Universidad de California, Davis.  Después de pasar un año trabajando como Asistente Docente en la Escuela Intermedia Davidson, regrese a la Universidad Dominican para obtener mi credencial de maestra.  He enseñado en el Distrito Escolar de San Rafael desde 1994, iniciando mi carrera en Gallinas (ahora Venetia Valley).  ¡Llegué a Bahia Vista en el 2012 e inmediatamente me di cuenta de que hay algo especial acerca de la Escuela Bahia Vista!


My name is Laura Helvig and I grew up in Los Angeles County with my sister and parents who were both educators.  After receiving my Bachelor's Degree in psychology from UC San Diego, I taught bilingual kindergarten in Los Angeles Unified School District for four years. I received my Master's in Multicultural Education from Cal State Dominguez Hills, and later moved to Marin County.  I have been teaching for San Rafael City Schools for 20 years and I have taught every grade Kindergarten through Fourth. T I live in San Rafael with my husband and 2 middle school aged sons.  After work and on weekends I enjoy hiking, travel, real estate, reading, and spending time with my family.

Me llamo Laura Helvig y crecí en el Condado de los Angeles con mi hermana y mis padres quienes ambos fueron educadores. Después de recibír mi Licenciatura en psicología de la UC San Diego, enseñe el Jardín de Niños bilingüe en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de los Angeles durante cuatro años. Recibí mi Maestría en Educación Multicultural de Cal State Dominguez Hill, y más tarde me mude al Condado de Marín.  He estado enseñando en el Distrito Escolar de San Rafael mas de 20 años y he enseñado todos los grados desde el Jadín de Niños hasta cuarto grado.   Vivo en San Rafael con mi esposo y dos hijos en edad para la escuela intemedia. Después del trabajo y los fines de semana disfruto de realizar largas caminatas, viajar, bienes raices, la lectura, y pasar tiempo con mi familia.