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Teacher Websites
  Valerie Cherbero Teacher
  Marie Morin Teacher
  Kelcey Scannell Teacher
  Van Schafer Teacher

Second Grade


Links to Learning

RAZ Reading Practice



Reflex Math 



Everyday Math





Valerie Cherbero
Marie Morin

Hi Bahia Vista Community! My name is Kelcey Scannell and I am thrilled to be a new member of the Bahia Vista team. I am a first year teacher and recently graduated from Dominican University with my teaching credential. I received my BA in Psychology at UC Santa Cruz. I grew up with my mom and many pets in Fairfax. With my time outside of the classroom I enjoying cooking and baking, being outdoors, needle point, and spending time with my mom, pets, and friends. I am very excited to start this new year at Bahia Vista learning and growing along side your second graders. I am incredibly happy to be a dragon!

¡Hola Comunidad de Bahia Vista! Me llamo Kelcey Scannell y estoy muy emocionada de ser un nuevo miembro del equipo Bahia Vista.  Este es mi primer año como maestra, recientemente me gradué de la Universidad Dominican con mi credencial de maestra.  Recibí mi Licenciatura en Humanidades en Psicología en UC Santa Cruz.  Crecí con mi mamá y muchas mascotas en Fairfax. Durante mi tiempo libre fuera del salón de clase me encanta cocinar y hornear, estar al aire libre, bordar, y pasar tiempo con mi mamá, mascotas, y amigos.  Estoy muy emocionada de iniciar este nuevo año en Bahia Vista aprendiendo y creciendo junto con sus estudiantes de segundo grado.  ¡Estoy increíblemente feliz de ser un dragón!



Hello, my name is Van Schafer. This will be my first year teaching at Bahia Vista and I couldn't be more excited about the opportunity to be here.  I recently relocated to Marin County by way of San Francisco.  For the past 6 years, I taught first and second grade in the Mission District. As a teacher, I believe in teaching students to have a growth mindset and that any goal can be achieved through hard work and dedication.  My classroom places an emphasis on collaboration and student learning through academic and social growth.  I received my teaching credential from Sacramento State, but my learning did not stop there.  I consider the profession of teaching as a life long learning process.  When I am not teaching, I enjoy playing golf, traveling, and hanging out with my nieces and nephew.