IMAGINATION IMAGE  I  NATION IMAGE A NATION Since I can remember, which is probably as a four year old, I have always looked with an artist’s eye. I have always…

What is America?

In this Spring/Summer of the year 2020, we can ask ourselves as educators and community members many questions. One comes to my mind most recently, What is America?  In the…

What are we to do?

When I was seven years old I often took rides with my father as he worked as a sales associate for Whitman’s Chocolates. He would go to different stores, we…

Imagine a Time…….

Imagination is what humans have and do naturally. We make pictures and sometimes video clips in our heads. In these coronavirus times, our school organizations are tasked with imagining and…

From Compulsory to…..

From Compulsory to….. eh… From Extrinsic to Intrinsic Motivation Engagement and Love and Drive to learn These days teachers are experiencing a great differential in every classroom and learning context.…

Learning Links

[pdf-embedder url=”/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RioSupt-Learning-Links-for-March-30-April-3-2020-Sheet1.pdf” title=”RioSupt Learning Links for March 30 – April 3 2020 – Sheet1″]

Learning Links

[pdf-embedder url=”/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RioSupt-Learning-Links-March-23-27-Sheet1.pdf” title=”RioSupt Learning Links March 23-27 – Sheet1″]

Non-Car Drivers

This post is about pedestrians and bicycle riders, wheel-chair riders and skateboarders, scooter riders and other people in the community not driving cars. This post wants to state the obvious…


The Holiday for Martin Luther King Each year in January and many more times throughout the year I ponder how children and teachers think about MLK. I wonder about the…

Rio and the Arts

Rio and the Arts The Rio School District supports the Arts. It provides opportunities for learners to learn and develop as creative, making people. It also provides chances for the…


This week we held our first annual THRIVE conference, THRIVE19. On two days in late September we came togethers as leaders in our educational community. Students, teachers, support staff, parents,…

the THRIVE CONFERENCE is coming!

Come check out the Thrive Conference….. 9.23.19 version of the brochure is right below…. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”brochure long as of 92319″]  

Public Schools in 2019

Public schools serve multiple functions in our 2019 American society. They work directly with children, families and community to foster the development and learning of children. They harbor children and…

Spring is in the Air!

Spring is in the Air and Spring Break is upon us in the Rio School District. This means there are only 8 weeks remaining of the 2018-19 school year. We…

The Reading Classroom

The Reading Classroom Rio School District children are thriving in many ways. Our recent years’ emphasis on critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and caring has helped the adults in our…
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