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Putnam County R-I Schools



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Tech Talk with QNS and Mr. Hicks

Our Technology Department has made some transitions. If you have a tech concern, submit a ticket using the QNS button at the bottom of your desktop. QNS will be handling the majority of our technology concerns. 

If you have a student with a Chromebook that is not working, you can schedule a time to see Mr. Hicks. Mr. Hicks' main priority is his accounting, business, and computer application students. If you have a technology request that cannot be handled by QNS, be sure to email Mr. Hicks requesting a time to visit the Technology Office at the hours below: 

8:15 am-9:48 am

2:45 pm-3:30 pm

If you have a tech question that cannot be handled by QNS, then you may email Mr. Hicks at bhicks@putnamcountyr1.net or call to schedule a time during his Tech hours. 

Elementary, Middle, and High School offices can help direct you to loaner Chromebooks if Mr. Hicks is not available. 

 Mr. Hicks and QNS Technology Support Information