Tech Talk with QNS and Mr. Hicks
Our Technology Department has made some transitions. If you have a tech concern, submit a ticket using the QNS button at the bottom of your desktop. QNS will be handling the majority of our technology concerns.
If you have a student with a Chromebook that is not working, you can schedule a time to see Mr. Hicks. Mr. Hicks' main priority is his accounting, business, and computer application students. If you have a technology request that cannot be handled by QNS, be sure to email Mr. Hicks requesting a time to visit the Technology Office at the hours below:
8:15 am-9:48 am
2:45 pm-3:30 pm
If you have a tech question that cannot be handled by QNS, then you may email Mr. Hicks at or call to schedule a time during his Tech hours.
Elementary, Middle, and High School offices can help direct you to loaner Chromebooks if Mr. Hicks is not available.